37 militants affiliated with extremist groups killed in U.S. airstrikes on Syria

37 militants affiliated with extremist groups killed in U.S. airstrikes on Syria

BEIRUT — In Syria, 37 militants affiliated to the extremist Islamic State group and an al-Qaeda-linked group were killed in two strikes, the United States military said Sunday.

Two of the dead were senior militants, it said.

U.S. Central Command said it struck northwestern Syria on Tuesday, targeting a senior militant from the al-Qaeda-linked Hurras al-Deen group and eight others. They say he was responsible for overseeing military operations.

They also announced a strike from earlier this month on Sept. 16, where they conducted a “large-scale airstrike” on an IS training camp in a remote undisclosed location in central Syria. That attack killed 28 militants, including “at least four Syrian leaders.”

“The airstrike will disrupt ISIS’ capability to conduct operations against U.S. interests, as well as our allies and partners,” the statement read.

There are some 900 U.S. forces in Syria, along with an undisclosed number of contractors, mostly trying to prevent any comeback by the extremist IS group, which swept through Iraq and Syria in 2014, taking control of large swaths of territory.

U.S. forces advise and assist their key allies in northeastern Syria, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, located not far from strategic areas where Iran-backed militant groups are present, including a key border crossing with Iraq.

The United States military recently conducted a series of airstrikes in Syria targeting militants affiliated with extremist groups, resulting in the deaths of 37 individuals. The strikes were carried out in coordination with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in an effort to combat terrorism and ensure the safety and security of the region.

According to reports, the airstrikes targeted several locations in northeastern Syria where militants belonging to groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda were believed to be operating. The U.S. military utilized precision-guided munitions to minimize collateral damage and civilian casualties during the operation.

The successful airstrikes mark a significant blow to extremist groups in the region, disrupting their operations and weakening their capabilities. The U.S. military has been actively engaged in counterterrorism efforts in Syria and other parts of the Middle East to prevent the spread of extremism and protect innocent civilians from violence and oppression.

The collaboration between the U.S. military and local partners such as the SDF demonstrates the importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism and promoting stability in conflict-affected regions. By working together, countries can effectively target and eliminate terrorist threats, making the world a safer place for all.

While the recent airstrikes have dealt a significant blow to extremist groups in Syria, it is important to remain vigilant and continue efforts to root out terrorism wherever it may exist. The fight against extremism is an ongoing battle that requires constant attention and dedication from the international community.

In conclusion, the recent airstrikes in Syria that resulted in the deaths of 37 militants affiliated with extremist groups are a testament to the commitment of the U.S. military and its partners to combat terrorism and promote peace and security in the region. By working together and taking decisive action against terrorist threats, we can make significant progress in eliminating extremism and creating a safer world for all.