71 people killed in strike targeting Hamas military chief in Israel-Gaza conflict: Live updates

71 people killed in strike targeting Hamas military chief in Israel-Gaza conflict: Live updates

The U.S. military’s JLOTS pier is back in port in Ashdod, Israel, because it couldn’t be reattached to the beach in Gaza earlier this week, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said.

It’s unclear if the pier can be reattached to get the final aid shipments from Cyprus into Gaza, Singh said.

“A re-anchoring date has not yet been set at this time,” she said.

The U.S. is considering alternatives for getting that aid into Gaza, including using Ashdod to receive the aid and then transferring it into Gaza via land routes, Singh said.

Humanitarian aid waits for distribution at the offloading area of the JLOTS pier in Gaza.


She called the JLOTS pier “a success” because it provided assistance into Gaza to people who needed it.

The pier “will soon cease operations,” according to the Pentagon.

“We always said this was a temporary operation. It was always going to have an end date,” Singh said.

-ABC News’ Luis Martinez

In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, tensions have escalated once again with a deadly strike targeting a Hamas military chief. The strike, which occurred in Gaza, resulted in the deaths of 71 people, including civilians.

The targeted individual, identified as a high-ranking Hamas military leader, was reportedly killed in the attack. The Israeli military has claimed responsibility for the strike, stating that it was a necessary measure to protect Israeli citizens from potential attacks by Hamas militants.

The strike has sparked outrage and condemnation from various international organizations and world leaders. The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire and urged both sides to exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The latest escalation in violence comes after weeks of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in Gaza. The conflict has resulted in numerous casualties on both sides, including civilians caught in the crossfire.

The situation in Gaza remains tense, with reports of continued airstrikes and rocket attacks from both sides. The civilian population in Gaza is facing dire conditions, with limited access to basic necessities such as food, water, and medical supplies.

The international community has called for an end to the violence and a return to negotiations to achieve a lasting peace agreement. However, achieving a resolution to the conflict remains a daunting task, with deep-rooted political, religious, and territorial issues at play.

As the conflict continues to escalate, it is imperative for all parties involved to prioritize the protection of civilians and adhere to international humanitarian law. The loss of innocent lives in this conflict is tragic and unacceptable, and efforts must be made to prevent further bloodshed and suffering.

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, it is crucial for world leaders to come together and work towards a peaceful resolution that addresses the root causes of the conflict and ensures the safety and security of all people in the region. Only through dialogue, diplomacy, and a commitment to peace can a lasting solution be achieved.
