Possible bird strike forces American Airlines plane to return to Ohio airport.

Possible bird strike forces American Airlines plane to return to Ohio airport.

On Tuesday, September 7th, an American Airlines flight was forced to return to the airport in Columbus, Ohio, after a possible bird strike. The flight, which was headed to Seattle, had just taken off when the pilots reported hearing a loud noise and feeling a vibration in the aircraft.

Bird strikes are a common occurrence in aviation, with thousands of incidents reported each year. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there were 15,000 reported bird strikes in the United States in 2019 alone. While most bird strikes do not result in any damage to the aircraft or injuries to passengers and crew, they can be dangerous and potentially catastrophic.

In this case, the pilots of the American Airlines flight decided to err on the side of caution and return to the airport. Upon inspection, no damage was found on the aircraft, and passengers were able to board a new flight to Seattle later that day.

The FAA has strict regulations in place to try and prevent bird strikes from occurring. Airports are required to conduct regular wildlife hazard assessments and implement measures to reduce the risk of bird strikes. These measures can include using bird repellent systems, installing bird netting, and conducting regular patrols to scare away birds.

Pilots are also trained to be aware of the risks of bird strikes and how to respond if one occurs. They are taught to look out for birds during takeoff and landing and to avoid flying through areas where birds are known to congregate.

Despite these measures, bird strikes continue to be a risk in aviation. In some cases, they can cause significant damage to the aircraft and even lead to crashes. In 2009, a US Airways flight famously landed in the Hudson River after a bird strike caused both engines to fail.

While it can be frustrating for passengers when flights are delayed or cancelled due to bird strikes, it is important for airlines and airports to prioritize safety above all else. By taking precautions and responding quickly to potential bird strikes, they can help ensure that everyone on board stays safe.