US calls for Security Council vote on Gaza cease-fire and hostage deal resolution: Latest updates from Israel-Gaza conflict.

US calls for Security Council vote on Gaza cease-fire and hostage deal resolution: Latest updates from Israel-Gaza conflict.

Centrist Israeli minister Benny Gantz announced Sunday that he was resigning from the emergency government because of what he has described as a lack of a plan from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the “day after” in Gaza.

During a televised news conference, Gantz announced he was resigning from the coalition government, taking with him his State Party and the seats it held in the Knesset. Netanyahu’s coalition government will still retain a majority, but the move by Gantz is considered a major blow to the prime minister.

“Netanyahu is preventing us from progressing towards a true victory,” Gantz said. “For this reason, we are leaving the emergency government today, with a heavy heart, yet wholeheartedly.”

He also called on Netanyahu to set a date for elections.

Gantz was set to make the announcement on Saturday but called it off amid the news of an Israel Defense Forces operation in Gaza that led to the rescue of four Israeli hostages.

Gantz is a member of Israel’s three-member war Cabinet, which includes Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

On Saturday, Netanyahu appealed to Gantz on X, saying, “This is the time for unity and not for division. We must remain united within ourselves in the face of the great tasks before us. I call on Benny Gantz — do not leave the emergency government. Don’t give up on unity.”

Following Gantz’s resignation, Netanyahu released a statement on X, saying, “Israel is in an existential war on several fronts.”

“Benny, this is not the time to abandon the campaign — this is the time to join forces,” Netanyahu said. “Citizens of Israel, we will continue until victory and the achievement of all the goals of the war, primarily the release of all our hostages and the elimination of Hamas.”

Netanyahu added, “My door will remain open to any Zionist party that is ready to get under the stretcher and assist in bringing victory over our enemies and ensuring the safety of our citizens.”

In May, Gantz issued an ultimatum to Netanyahu, saying he would resign if the prime minister did not approve a post-war plan by June 8, saying at the time, “While the Israeli soldiers show supreme bravery on the front, some of the men who sent them into battle behave with cowardice and irresponsibility.”

-ABC News’ Jordana Miller

The United States has called for a Security Council vote on a resolution that would implement a cease-fire in Gaza and secure the release of hostages held by Hamas. The move comes as the conflict between Israel and Gaza enters its third week, with no signs of abating.

The resolution, which was proposed by the US ambassador to the United Nations, would require both Israel and Hamas to immediately halt all hostilities and work towards a lasting peace agreement. It also calls for the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas, including two Israeli soldiers who were captured during a recent incursion into Gaza.

The US has been a staunch supporter of Israel throughout the conflict, providing military aid and diplomatic support to the Israeli government. However, the Biden administration has also expressed concern over the rising civilian death toll in Gaza and has called for both sides to show restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution.

The Security Council vote is expected to take place in the coming days, but it remains unclear whether the resolution will be adopted. Russia and China, both permanent members of the Security Council, have expressed reservations about the proposed cease-fire and hostage deal, citing concerns over the sovereignty of the Palestinian territories.

Meanwhile, the situation on the ground in Gaza continues to deteriorate, with reports of widespread destruction and civilian casualties mounting. The Israeli military has launched a series of airstrikes on Hamas targets in response to rocket attacks from Gaza, while Hamas has continued to fire rockets into Israeli territory.

The international community has called for an immediate end to the violence and a return to negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The United Nations has warned that the conflict could escalate into a full-scale war if a cease-fire is not implemented soon.

As the Security Council prepares to vote on the resolution, all eyes are on Israel and Hamas to see if they will agree to a cease-fire and release the hostages. The fate of the region hangs in the balance, with the potential for further bloodshed and devastation looming large. Only time will tell if diplomacy can prevail over violence in this long-standing conflict.