Tensions escalate in Italian Parliament as fistfight breaks out over regional autonomy expansion

Tensions escalate in Italian Parliament as fistfight breaks out over regional autonomy expansion

ROME — Tensions in Italy’s lower house erupted into a fistfight, sending an opposition lawmaker to hospital, over a controversial government proposal that opponents say will further impoverish the poor south.

Video of the fight Wednesday shows lawmakers converging on 5-Star Movement lawmaker Leonardo Donno, who opposes the changes, after he tried to hand an Italian flag to regional affairs minister Roberto Calderoli. Calderoli, a firebrand lawmaker from the Lega party with northern roots, drafted the contested expansion of regional autonomy that would mostly benefit regions like Lega strongholds of Veneto and Lombardy.

Italian media reported that Donno was taken to the hospital for evaluation after being hit in the head and the chest.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, interviewed on Sky TG24, expressed disappointment at the scene.

“I have no words,” Tajani said. “We need to set another example, not punches to resolve political problems. It’s not braggadocio, it’s not shouting, it’s ideas that need to be explained well to persuade voters.”

The proposal would give additional regions expanded autonomy in specific functions, a move that the opposition says will further increase the north-south divide in Italy.

Currently, five regions are granted autonomy, which in part reduces the tax revenue due to the central government in Rome. They range from Trento-South Tyrol in the north, which is comprised of the autonomous provinces of Trento and South Tyrol, to Sicily in the south. The other three are Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the northeast, Aosta in the northwest, and the island of Sardinia.

Tensions in the Italian Parliament reached a boiling point recently as a fistfight broke out among lawmakers over the issue of regional autonomy expansion. The incident, which occurred during a heated debate on the floor of the Chamber of Deputies, has highlighted the deep divisions within the country’s political landscape.

The brawl erupted when members of the far-right League party clashed with lawmakers from the center-left Democratic Party over a proposed law that would grant greater autonomy to the regions of Lombardy and Veneto. The League, which has long championed greater regional autonomy, has been pushing for the law to be passed, arguing that it would give more power to local governments and help boost economic growth in the wealthy northern regions.

However, opponents of the law, including members of the Democratic Party, have raised concerns that it could lead to further fragmentation of the country and undermine the unity of the Italian state. They argue that granting more autonomy to certain regions could create inequalities and exacerbate existing tensions between the north and south of Italy.

The fistfight in Parliament reflects the growing polarization and animosity between political factions in Italy. The incident drew widespread condemnation from across the political spectrum, with many calling for a return to civility and respect in political discourse.

The escalation of tensions in the Italian Parliament comes at a time when the country is facing numerous challenges, including a struggling economy, high unemployment rates, and a surge in migration. The government has been under pressure to address these issues and find common ground on key policy issues, but the recent brawl has underscored the deep-seated divisions that continue to plague Italian politics.

As Italy grapples with these internal conflicts, it is clear that finding a way forward will require dialogue, compromise, and a commitment to upholding democratic values. The incident in Parliament serves as a stark reminder of the need for unity and cooperation in order to address the pressing issues facing the country and move towards a more stable and prosperous future.
