Opening of Treason Trial for Russian American Woman Amid Heightened Tensions

Opening of Treason Trial for Russian American Woman Amid Heightened Tensions

MOSCOW — The trial of a Russian American dual citizen whom Russia accuses of treason opened on Thursday as tensions rise between Washington and Moscow, including over the arrests of two American journalists.

The trial is being held behind closed doors in Yekaterinburg, in the same court that next week is to begin hearing the case of Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal reporter who was arrested in March 2023 and charged with espionage.

The defendant was identified by Russian authorities as Los Angeles resident Ksenia Karelina, although U.S. media reports frequently use the surname Khavana, the name of her ex-husband.

Karelina was born in Yekaterinburg and was arrested in February while visiting her family.

Russia’s main domestic security agency, the Federal Security Service, charges that Karelina raised money for a Ukrainian organization that was providing weapons, ammunition and other supplies to the Ukrainian military. Her boyfriend has said she made a single donation of about $50 to a Ukrainian organization, according to media reports.

Karelina faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison if convicted. Almost all Russian criminal cases that make it to court end in convictions. The trial was adjourned in the afternoon and the next session was set for Aug. 7, Russian news agencies said.

Gershkovich, the highest-profile American behind bars in Russia, is accused of gathering secret information from a tank factory in Nizhny Tagil, about 150 kilometers (90 miles) north of Yekaterinburg. His employers deny the allegation, and the U.S. State Department has declared him to be wrongfully detained.

Gershkovich’s trial, also closed, is to begin next Wednesday.

A journalist for U.S.-funded Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe with U.S. and Russian dual citizenship has been held since October on charges of gathering military information and failing to register as a foreign agent.

Since sending troops into Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has sharply cracked down on dissent and has passed laws that criminalize criticism of the operation in Ukraine and remarks considered to discredit the Russian military. Concern has risen since then that Russia could be targeting U.S. nationals for arrest.

The opening of the treason trial for a Russian American woman has sparked international attention amid heightened tensions between the United States and Russia. The woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, is accused of spying for the Russian government and passing sensitive information to Russian intelligence agencies.

The trial comes at a time when relations between the two countries are at a low point, with ongoing disputes over issues such as election interference, cyberattacks, and military aggression. The United States has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to these actions, and there have been calls for further measures to be taken to hold the Russian government accountable.

The case of the Russian American woman has added fuel to the fire, with both countries closely watching the proceedings. The trial is being held behind closed doors, with limited information being released to the public. This has raised concerns about transparency and due process, with some critics questioning the fairness of the trial.

The woman’s defense team has denied the charges against her, claiming that she is being used as a pawn in a larger political game between the two countries. They argue that she is a victim of circumstances and that she had no intention of betraying her country.

Despite these claims, the prosecution has presented evidence that allegedly links the woman to Russian intelligence operatives. This includes intercepted communications, financial transactions, and witness testimony. The prosecution has also argued that the woman’s actions have put national security at risk and have damaged the relationship between the United States and Russia.

As the trial continues, it is likely to further strain relations between the two countries. The outcome of the case could have far-reaching implications for diplomatic relations, as well as for the individuals involved. It remains to be seen how the trial will unfold and what impact it will have on the already tense relationship between the United States and Russia.