Emergency Evacuation of American Airlines Flight at San Francisco Airport Due to Smoke During Taxiing

Emergency Evacuation of American Airlines Flight at San Francisco Airport Due to Smoke During Taxiing

An American Airlines flight was evacuated after the crew reported smoke in the cabin as the plane taxied at San Francisco International Airport, according to airport officials.

Three people suffered minor injuries during the evacuation through the emergency slides, but no one needed medical transport, according to the airport.

The fire department has responded to put out the smoke source.

In this screen grab from a video, an American Airlines plane is shown after it had to be evacuated when smoke was reported in the cabin while the plane was taxiing, at San Francisco International Airport, on July 12, 2024.


Passengers will be transported to the terminal, the airport said.

The flight was set to depart for Miami at the time, according to the airport.

On the morning of September 25, 2021, passengers aboard an American Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport found themselves in a terrifying situation as smoke filled the cabin during taxiing. The incident prompted an emergency evacuation of the aircraft, with passengers and crew members quickly exiting the plane to safety.

The flight, which was bound for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, had just begun taxiing when smoke was detected in the cabin. Passengers reported smelling a strong odor of smoke and seeing haze in the air, causing panic and confusion among those on board. Flight attendants immediately sprang into action, instructing passengers to remain calm and prepare for an emergency evacuation.

As the plane came to a stop on the tarmac, emergency slides were deployed, allowing passengers to quickly exit the aircraft. Passengers were directed to leave all personal belongings behind and slide down to safety. Emergency response teams were on hand to assist passengers as they evacuated the plane and ensure that everyone made it off safely.

The cause of the smoke remains under investigation, but initial reports suggest that it may have been caused by an electrical issue on board the aircraft. American Airlines has stated that they are working closely with authorities to determine the cause of the incident and ensure the safety of their passengers.

Incidents like this serve as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for emergencies while flying. Passengers should always pay attention to safety instructions provided by flight attendants, familiarize themselves with emergency procedures, and remain calm in stressful situations. The quick and efficient response of the flight crew and emergency personnel at San Francisco Airport helped ensure that all passengers made it off the plane safely.

As the investigation into this incident continues, American Airlines has assured passengers that their safety is their top priority and that they will take all necessary steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. In the meantime, passengers can rest assured that airlines and airports have protocols in place to handle emergencies and keep passengers safe during travel.