Biden’s Potential Proposal for Significant Supreme Court Changes Under Serious Consideration

Biden's Potential Proposal for Significant Supreme Court Changes Under Serious Consideration

President Joe Biden is seriously considering proposing major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to a source briefed on the plans.

The president is also seriously considering calling for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and other constitutional officeholders, according to the source.

President Joe Biden speaks at the 115th NAACP National Convention in Las Vegas, July 16, 2024.

Tom Brenner/Reuters

These changes would resonate with the president’s liberal base and comes after outrage in his party over the Supreme Court’s overruling landmark decisions and ethics scandals involving Justice Clarence Thomas.

The plans would need approval from Congress and a constitutional amendment would need to pass even more hurdles.

A view of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, June 29, 2024.

Kevin Mohatt/Reuters

The details were first reported by the Washington Post.

On Tuesday, in an interview with BET, Biden warned about what he believes a future Trump presidency would bring.

“There’s gonna probably be two more appointments to the court,” he said.

“There’s probably two people gonna resign or resign, retire. Just imagine a court if he has two more appointments on that — what that means forever,” he continued.

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering a significant proposal to make changes to the Supreme Court, a move that could have far-reaching implications for the highest court in the land. The proposal, which is still in the early stages of development, is said to be aimed at addressing concerns about the court’s composition and functioning.

One of the key aspects of the proposal is likely to be expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Currently, there are nine justices on the court, a number that has remained unchanged since 1869. Some critics argue that this number is too small and does not adequately represent the diversity of opinions in the country. By increasing the number of justices, President Biden could potentially shift the ideological balance of the court and ensure that a wider range of perspectives are represented.

Another potential change that is being considered is implementing term limits for Supreme Court justices. Currently, justices serve for life, which can lead to situations where older justices remain on the court long past their prime. By imposing term limits, President Biden could ensure that there is a more regular turnover of justices, allowing for fresh perspectives and ideas to be brought to the court.

In addition to these changes, President Biden’s proposal may also include measures to increase transparency and accountability in the Supreme Court. This could involve requiring justices to disclose more information about their financial interests and recuse themselves from cases where they have a conflict of interest. By promoting greater transparency, President Biden could help to restore public trust in the court and ensure that its decisions are seen as fair and impartial.

It is important to note that any proposal to change the Supreme Court would require approval from Congress, which could be a challenging task given the current political climate. However, President Biden has indicated that he is committed to exploring all options for reforming the court and ensuring that it remains a fair and effective institution.

Overall, President Biden’s potential proposal for significant Supreme Court changes represents a bold and ambitious effort to address longstanding concerns about the court’s composition and functioning. While it is still early days, this proposal has the potential to reshape the Supreme Court for years to come and ensure that it remains a vital institution in American democracy.