NYC Council member claims police were the aggressors in alleged biting incident

NYC Council member claims police were the aggressors in alleged biting incident

NEW YORK — A New York City Council member accused of biting a police official complained Thursday that officers used excessive force as she strove to help someone who was lying under a barricade at a protest.

Brooklyn Democrat Susan Zhuang didn’t address the biting allegation as she gave her version of the encounter, but she insisted “what happened to me should not happen.”

Zhuang was charged Wednesday with felony assault and various misdemeanors and violations. A court complaint said she bit a deputy police chief’s forearm and resisted being handcuffed after she and other protesters were told to stop pushing barricades toward officers.

Police, citing an arrest report before the complaint was released, said Zhuang was blocking officers from getting to a woman on the ground.

Zhuang, a conservative Democrat who ran on a pro-police platform last year, said she was trying to help the woman. The council member said officers came up behind her, handcuffed her, pulled her hair and grabbed her neck, and she struggled.

“The situation escalated to the use of excessive force by the NYPD,” she said at a news conference, calling for “full accountability” for ”all those involved.”

“Police brutality is wrong,” she said.

The incident happened as police and demonstrators faced off at a protest over the construction of a new homeless shelter in Zhuang’s district.

In one video posted to social media, a woman who appears to be Zhuang can be seen alongside other protesters trying to wrestle a barricade away from police as an officer tries to handcuff her.

A recent incident in New York City has sparked controversy and debate after a city council member claimed that police officers were the aggressors in an alleged biting incident. The incident occurred during a protest in Brooklyn, where police were attempting to disperse a crowd of demonstrators.

According to reports, the council member, who was present at the protest, alleges that a young woman was bitten by a police officer while she was being arrested. The council member claims that the police officers used excessive force and were the ones who instigated the violence.

The NYPD has denied these allegations, stating that the woman in question was resisting arrest and bit the officer in self-defense. They have also released body camera footage that they claim supports their version of events.

This incident has reignited the debate over police conduct and use of force in New York City. Many activists and community members are calling for an independent investigation into the incident to determine the truth of what happened.

City council members have also weighed in on the issue, with some calling for greater accountability and transparency from the NYPD. They are demanding answers and accountability for what they see as another example of police brutality.

The incident has also raised questions about the role of police in handling protests and demonstrations. Many are questioning whether the police response was appropriate and whether there are better ways to de-escalate tense situations without resorting to violence.

As the investigation into this incident continues, it is clear that there are deep-seated issues surrounding police conduct and use of force in New York City. The outcome of this investigation will likely have far-reaching implications for how the NYPD interacts with the community and how incidents like this are handled in the future.
