Montana man defends himself against grizzly bear attack while picking berries

Montana man defends himself against grizzly bear attack while picking berries

A man picking huckleberries in Montana shot and killed a grizzly bear after it attacked and injured him badly enough that he had to be hospitalized.

The 72-year-old man was alone when the adult female charged him Thursday. He killed the bear with a handgun, according to a Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks statement Friday.

The attack happened in Flathead National Forest about 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) north of Columbia Falls, a northwestern Montana city of about 5,500 people, according to the state wildlife agency.

Female grizzlies are known to attack to defend their cubs. Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials were trying to determine if this grizzly had any cubs.

The department had no more information to provide Friday, including the identity of the man and his condition, according to the statement.

Meanwhile, Fish, Wildlife & Parks staff shot and killed an adult female grizzly Thursday after it had become accustomed to seeking out food from people and breaking into houses in and around Gardiner, a town of about 800 people just north of Yellowstone National Park.

Pet food, garbage and barbeque grills left outside and accessible to bears contributed to the problem, according to a department statement. No people were hurt by the bear before it was shot in the Yellowstone River.

Wildlife managers often capture and move grizzly bears that are known to cause problems for people. But sometimes they kill ones they deem likely to keep causing problems regardless of being moved.

The Gardiner-area grizzly was killed about 300 miles (500 kilometers) south of the unrelated attack in the Columbia Falls area. An estimated 2,000 grizzlies roam western Wyoming, eastern Idaho, western Montana, while several thousand more inhabit the Canadian Rockies and Alaska.

Grizzly bears in the contiguous U.S. are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.


Gruver reported from Cheyenne, Wyoming.

In the rugged wilderness of Montana, encounters with wildlife are not uncommon. However, for one man who was out picking berries in the forest, a routine outing turned into a life-threatening situation when he came face to face with a grizzly bear.

The man, whose identity has not been disclosed, was enjoying a peaceful day in the woods when he suddenly heard rustling in the bushes. Before he knew it, a massive grizzly bear emerged from the trees and charged towards him. In a split second decision, the man knew he had to defend himself or risk being mauled by the powerful animal.

Armed with only a small pocket knife, the man bravely stood his ground and fought back against the bear. He managed to inflict several wounds on the bear, causing it to retreat momentarily. However, the bear was not deterred and continued to attack the man, who sustained multiple injuries in the struggle.

Despite the odds stacked against him, the man refused to give up and continued to fight for his life. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, the bear finally retreated and the man was able to make his way to safety.

Thanks to his quick thinking and bravery, the man survived the harrowing encounter with the grizzly bear. He was later treated for his injuries at a nearby hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.

This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that can lurk in the wilderness, and the importance of being prepared for unexpected encounters with wildlife. While grizzly bear attacks are rare, it is crucial for outdoor enthusiasts to be aware of their surroundings and have a plan in place for self-defense in case of an emergency.

Authorities have since issued warnings to hikers and berry pickers in the area to be cautious and vigilant when venturing into bear territory. It is recommended to carry bear spray, make noise while hiking to alert bears of your presence, and to always be prepared for a potential encounter with wildlife.

The man’s courageous actions in defending himself against the grizzly bear serve as a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. His story is a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the wilderness, and the importance of being prepared for any situation that may arise.