A baby tree kangaroo at the Bronx Zoo emerges from its mother’s pouch at 7 months old

A baby tree kangaroo at the Bronx Zoo emerges from its mother's pouch at 7 months old

NEW YORK — The second baby of a tree-dwelling kangaroo made its public debut this week in New York, poking its pink head head out of its mom’s furry white pouch.

The tiny Matschie’s tree kangaroo, or Dendrolagus matschiei, was born in December and is the second born to the same mother since 2022. It also was the third of its kind born at the Bronx Zoo since 2008.

The tree kangaroo species only gestate for about six weeks before they are born and immediately crawl into their marsupial moms’ pouches, the zoo said in a statement. It takes around seven months for the young to start peeking out of the pouch.

There are only around 2,500 tree kangaroos in the wild and 42 in captivity, the zoo said. In a statement Friday, a Bronx Zoo spokesperson said that the kangaroo’s birth was significant for the network of zoos that aims to preserve genetic diversity among endangered animals.

“It’s a small population and because of that births are not very common,” said Jessica Moody, curator of primates and small mammals at the Bronx Zoo. “So it’s a rare and exciting event,” adding that baby tree kangaroos are “possibly one of the cutest animals to have ever lived. They look like stuffed animals, it’s amazing.”

The tree kangaroos are native to the Huon Peninsula in Papua New Guinea, where they are threatened by human activities such as habitat destruction and hunting, the statement said. They live primarily in trees and are smaller than Australia’s better-known red kangaroo. An adult tree kangaroo weighs between 20 and 25 pounds (9–11 kilograms). The joeys are about the size of a human thumb when they are born, but grow to as long as 30 inches (76 centimeters).

Wildlife restoration programs often lean on zoos for genetic diversity. For example, wolves reintroduced to the wild are often given zoo-born pups to raise, reducing the risk of inbreeding while expanding wild populations.

The Bronx Zoo recently welcomed a new addition to its family of tree kangaroos – a baby joey that has finally emerged from its mother’s pouch at 7 months old. This milestone is an exciting moment for both the zookeepers and visitors, as it marks the first time the joey has been seen by the public since its birth.

Tree kangaroos are a unique species of kangaroo that are native to the rainforests of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. They are known for their ability to climb trees and their distinctive appearance, with long tails and powerful hind legs. The Bronx Zoo is home to several tree kangaroos, and the birth of a new joey is always a cause for celebration.

The baby tree kangaroo, known as a joey, was born in the pouch of its mother, where it spent the first few months of its life developing and growing. At around 7 months old, the joey is finally ready to venture out of the pouch and explore its surroundings. This is a crucial stage of development for the joey, as it begins to learn how to climb, forage for food, and interact with other members of its species.

Visitors to the Bronx Zoo can now catch a glimpse of the baby tree kangaroo as it explores its exhibit and interacts with its mother. The joey is still small and vulnerable, so zookeepers are keeping a close eye on it to ensure that it stays safe and healthy. As the joey grows and becomes more independent, it will continue to learn important skills that will help it thrive in its natural habitat.

The birth of a baby tree kangaroo is not only a joyous occasion for the Bronx Zoo, but also an important milestone for conservation efforts. Tree kangaroos are considered a vulnerable species due to habitat loss and hunting, so every new addition to the population is significant. By raising awareness about these unique animals and providing them with a safe and comfortable environment, zoos like the Bronx Zoo are playing a vital role in protecting tree kangaroos for future generations.

In conclusion, the emergence of a baby tree kangaroo from its mother’s pouch at the Bronx Zoo is a momentous occasion that highlights the beauty and diversity of wildlife. Visitors can now witness this adorable joey as it takes its first steps into the world, learning and growing with each passing day. With continued care and conservation efforts, we can ensure that tree kangaroos thrive for years to come.