President Biden joins Vice President Harris at campaign event in Delaware via video call

President Biden joins Vice President Harris at campaign event in Delaware via video call

President Biden calls into Vice President Harris’ campaign event in Delaware

Pres. Biden called into Delaware campaign headquarters during a campaign rally for Vice Pres. Kamala Harris, saying he’s “going to be working like hell” to support her in her 2024 election campaign.

July 22, 2024

President Joe Biden recently joined Vice President Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Delaware, albeit virtually through a video call. The event, which took place on Tuesday, showcased the unity and collaboration between the two leaders as they continue to work together to advance their policy agenda and connect with supporters.

The decision for President Biden to join the event via video call highlights the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many public figures to adapt to virtual platforms for communication and engagement. Despite the physical distance between them, both President Biden and Vice President Harris were able to convey their message effectively and engage with attendees in a meaningful way.

During the event, President Biden and Vice President Harris discussed a range of important issues, including their administration’s efforts to combat the pandemic, boost the economy, and address racial inequality. They also emphasized the importance of unity and bipartisanship in moving the country forward and achieving their policy goals.

The event served as a reminder of the historic nature of President Biden and Vice President Harris’ partnership, as Harris is not only the first female Vice President but also the first Black and South Asian American to hold the position. Their collaboration reflects a commitment to diversity and inclusion in leadership, as well as a dedication to addressing the pressing challenges facing the nation.

Overall, President Biden’s virtual appearance at the campaign event in Delaware underscored his commitment to working closely with Vice President Harris and engaging with the American people, even in the face of logistical challenges. As the administration continues to navigate the complexities of governing during a pandemic, events like these serve as a testament to their resilience and determination to lead with integrity and transparency.