Man accused of 1988 Michigan murder passes away in South Carolina prison custody.

Man accused of 1988 Michigan murder passes away in South Carolina prison custody.

On August 1st, 2021, a man accused of a 1988 murder in Michigan passed away while in custody at a South Carolina prison. The man, identified as 54-year-old Michael Leon Curry, was serving a life sentence for the murder of 23-year-old Deborah Kammerer.

The murder of Kammerer occurred on September 16th, 1988, in the city of Warren, Michigan. Kammerer was a nurse who had just finished her shift at a local hospital and was walking to her car when she was attacked by Curry. He reportedly beat her with a tire iron and then strangled her to death.

Curry was not arrested for the murder until 2015, when DNA evidence linked him to the crime. He was living in South Carolina at the time of his arrest and was extradited to Michigan to stand trial.

In 2017, Curry was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. However, he continued to maintain his innocence throughout the trial and even filed an appeal in 2019.

Curry’s death in prison raises questions about the justice system and the impact of lengthy prison sentences on inmates. While he was convicted of a heinous crime, Curry spent over three decades behind bars before passing away. Some may argue that this is a harsh punishment for a crime committed when he was just 21 years old.

Others may argue that Curry’s death in prison is a reminder of the importance of DNA evidence in solving cold cases. Without advancements in forensic technology, Curry may have never been caught for Kammerer’s murder.

Regardless of one’s stance on the matter, Curry’s passing serves as a reminder of the impact that violent crimes can have on individuals and communities. The murder of Deborah Kammerer left a lasting impact on her loved ones and the city of Warren, Michigan. While Curry may no longer be able to face justice for his actions, the memory of Kammerer and the impact of her loss will continue to be felt.
