Child in tent on Montana campground attacked by black bear

Child in tent on Montana campground attacked by black bear

A black bear attacked and injured a child Sunday night in Montana, officials said.

The child — who had been inside a tent on a private campground near Red Lodge — was taken to a medical facility in Billings, according to a news release from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Officials did not identify the child or disclose their current condition but told the Associated Press the victim was a 3-year-old girl.

The campground was evacuated following the attack, and the bear was shot and killed the next day, officials said.

Officials said “unsecured attractants,” including food and garbage, were found in the vicinity of the tent where the attack occurred.

The black bear that attacked the child “had no history of conflicts” and “had likely become food-conditioned and human-habituated after accessing unsecured attractants in the area,” officials said.

Officials warned the public that Montana is “bear country,” and visitors should take precautions to avoid bear encounters while camping.

Campers were urged to keep food outside of tents, get rid of garbage in “bear resistant bins,” and safely secure food or anything with a scent.

“People should be prepared to encounter grizzly or black bears in Montana,” the news release stated. “Avoiding conflicts with bears is easier than dealing with conflicts.”

A terrifying incident occurred at a campground in Montana when a child was attacked by a black bear while inside a tent. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers that can arise when camping in bear country.

The attack took place in the early hours of the morning, when the child was sleeping in a tent with their family. The bear reportedly entered the campground and made its way to the tent where the child was sleeping. The bear then proceeded to attack the child, causing serious injuries before being scared off by the child’s parents.

This incident highlights the importance of taking precautions when camping in areas where bears are known to frequent. Bears have an incredibly strong sense of smell and are attracted to food, so it is crucial to properly store all food and garbage in bear-proof containers or hang it high out of reach. It is also recommended to avoid cooking or eating in or near tents, as the smell of food can attract bears.

Additionally, campers should be aware of their surroundings and keep an eye out for signs of bear activity, such as tracks or scat. It is also important to make noise while hiking or camping to alert bears of your presence and avoid surprising them.

In the event of a bear encounter, it is important to remain calm and try to scare the bear away by making loud noises, waving your arms, and backing away slowly. It is crucial not to run, as this can trigger a chase response from the bear.

After the attack, the child was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of their injuries. While they are expected to make a full recovery, the incident serves as a sobering reminder of the potential dangers that can arise when camping in bear country.

Authorities are currently investigating the incident and are working to determine what may have attracted the bear to the campground. In the meantime, campers are urged to take extra precautions when camping in bear country to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them.
