Timelapse Video: Moon Setting and Glowing Aurora Borealis Viewed from the ISS

Timelapse Video: Moon Setting and Glowing Aurora Borealis Viewed from the ISS

A timelapse of the moon setting glowing aurora borealis from ISS

Matthew Dominick, a flight engineer on board the International Space Station, shared this captivating timelapse video showcasing the moon setting among vibrant red and green auroras down on Earth.

August 13, 2024

Timelapse videos have become a popular way to capture the beauty of nature and the world around us in a unique and captivating way. One particularly stunning example of this is a timelapse video captured from the International Space Station (ISS) showing the moon setting and the mesmerizing glow of the Aurora Borealis.

The ISS orbits the Earth at an altitude of approximately 420 kilometers (260 miles) and travels at a speed of about 28,000 kilometers per hour (17,500 miles per hour). This unique vantage point provides astronauts on board with a breathtaking view of our planet and the celestial bodies beyond.

In this timelapse video, the moon can be seen slowly descending below the horizon as the Earth rotates beneath it. The moon’s soft, silvery light casts a gentle glow over the landscape below, illuminating the clouds and oceans in its path. As the moon disappears from view, the sky darkens and the stars begin to twinkle in the distance.

But the real showstopper in this timelapse video is the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights. This natural light display is caused by the interaction between solar winds and the Earth’s magnetic field, creating a stunning array of colors and patterns in the night sky.

As the ISS passes over regions near the North Pole, the Aurora Borealis comes into view, painting the sky with vibrant hues of green, pink, and purple. The dancing lights swirl and flicker across the darkness, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that is truly awe-inspiring to behold.

The combination of the moon setting and the Aurora Borealis glowing in the night sky creates a magical and otherworldly scene that is both beautiful and haunting. It serves as a reminder of the incredible natural wonders that exist beyond our own planet and the importance of preserving and protecting them for future generations to enjoy.

Timelapse videos like this one offer a unique perspective on the world around us, allowing us to see familiar sights in a new and captivating way. They remind us of the beauty and wonder that can be found in even the most ordinary moments, and inspire us to appreciate and cherish the world we live in.

So next time you find yourself gazing up at the night sky, take a moment to marvel at the beauty of the moon setting and the glowing Aurora Borealis, and remember that there is a whole universe out there just waiting to be explored.