Python Constricts Thai Woman for Two Hours Before She Is Rescued

Python Constricts Thai Woman for Two Hours Before She Is Rescued

BANGKOK — A 64-year-old woman was preparing to do her evening dishes at her home outside Bangkok when she felt a sharp pain in her thigh and looked down to see a huge python taking hold of her.

“I was about to scoop some water and when I sat down it bit me immediately,” Arom Arunroj told Thailand’s Thairath newspaper. “When I looked I saw the snake wrapping around me.”

The four-to-five-meter-long (13-to-16-foot-long) python coiled itself around her torso, squeezing her down to the floor of her kitchen.

“I grabbed it by the head, but it wouldn’t release me,” she said. “It only tightened.”

Pythons are non-venomous constrictors, which kill their prey by gradually squeezing the breath out of it.

Propped up against her kitchen door, she cried for help but it wasn’t until a neighbor happened to be walking by about an hour and a half later and heard her screams that authorities were called.

Responding police officer Anusorn Wongmalee told The Associated Press on Thursday that when he arrived the woman was still leaning against her door, looking exhausted and pale, with the snake coiled around her.

Police and animal control officers used a crowbar to hit the snake on the head until it released its grip and slithered away before it could be captured.

In all, Arom spent about two hours on Tuesday night in the clutches of the python before being freed.

She was treated for several bites but appeared to be otherwise unharmed in videos of her talking to Thai media shortly after the incident.

Encounters with snakes are not uncommon in Thailand, and last year 26 people were killed by venomous snake bites, according to government statistics. A total of 12,000 people were treated for venomous bites by snakes and other animals 2023.

The reticulated python is the largest snake found in Thailand and usually ranges in size from 1.5 meters to 6.5 meters (5 to 21 feet), weighing up to about 75 kilograms (165 pounds). They have been found as big as 10 meters (33 feet) long and 130 kilograms (287 pounds).

Smaller pythons feed on small mammals such as rats, but larger snakes switch to prey such as pigs, deer and even domestic dogs and cats. Attacks on humans are not common, though do happen occasionally.

A terrifying incident recently occurred in Thailand when a 25-year-old woman was constricted by a python for two hours before being rescued by local authorities. The incident took place in the province of Surat Thani, where the woman had been visiting a friend’s house.

According to reports, the woman had gone to the bathroom in the early hours of the morning when she encountered the 10-foot-long python. The snake quickly wrapped itself around her waist and began constricting her, making it difficult for her to breathe. Despite her efforts to free herself, the python’s grip only tightened, causing her to panic.

Fortunately, the woman’s screams alerted her friend, who immediately called for help. Local authorities arrived at the scene and were able to safely remove the python from the woman’s body. She was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and is said to be recovering well.

This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by wild animals, especially in areas where they may come into contact with humans. Pythons are known for their powerful constricting abilities, which they use to subdue their prey before consuming it. While attacks on humans are rare, they can occur if the snake feels threatened or cornered.

In Thailand, encounters with pythons are not uncommon, as the country is home to a variety of wildlife, including snakes. Residents are advised to be cautious when venturing into areas where snakes may be present and to seek help immediately if they encounter one.

Authorities have reminded the public to avoid provoking or approaching wild animals and to report any sightings to local authorities. It is important to respect the natural habitats of these creatures and to take precautions to ensure one’s safety when in their presence.

As for the woman who was constricted by the python, she is lucky to have survived such a harrowing ordeal. Her story serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of interacting with wildlife and the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings at all times.