Boeing and striking machinists fail to make progress in latest negotiations, union reports

Boeing and striking machinists fail to make progress in latest negotiations, union reports

NEW YORK — The union representing Boeing factory workers who are currently on strike in the Pacific Northwest said contract talks “broke off” with the company after their latest bargaining session.

In an update posted on social media platforms X and Facebook, a regional district of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers asserted late Friday that Boeing “would not engage substantively” on key issues important to members — such as higher pay — and didn’t budge on calls to restore a defined-benefit pension that was axed 10 years ago.

No further negotiation dates were scheduled after Friday’s session led by federal mediators, IAM District 751 said. The union added that it remained “open to talks with the company, either direct or mediated.”

In a statement sent to The Associated Press on Saturday, Boeing said it was “prepared to meet at any time,” committed to bargaining in good faith and wanted to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

The aerospace giant on Monday issued what it termed its “best and final” offer. The proposal included pay raises of 30% over four years — up from 25% in a deal that union members overwhelmingly rejected when they voted to strike on Sept. 12, but still far below the union’s original demand of 40% over three years.

Boeing angered union leaders by announcing the revised offer to its striking workers through the media and setting a Friday night deadline for ratification. In light of pushback, Boeing backed down and gave the union more time. However, many workers have maintained the latest offer wasn’t good enough.

The strike by nearly 33,000 machinists now is in its third week, and negotiations also stalled earlier in the walkout that has halted production of Boeing’s best-selling airplanes. The strike will not disrupt airline flights anytime soon, but has put more pressure on a company that has already faced a series of financial, legal and mechanical challenges this year.

The ongoing labor dispute between Boeing and its striking machinists has reached a stalemate, with both sides failing to make any significant progress in their latest round of negotiations. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) reported that talks between the union and the aerospace giant have hit a roadblock, leading to a continued standoff that has now entered its third week.

The strike, which began on October 6th, has seen thousands of Boeing employees walk off the job in protest of what they claim are unfair labor practices and inadequate compensation. The IAM has accused Boeing of failing to address key issues such as wages, benefits, and job security, leading to growing frustration among its members.

Boeing, on the other hand, has maintained that it is committed to reaching a fair and equitable agreement with the union, but has also emphasized the need for cost-cutting measures in order to remain competitive in the global market. The company has cited economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic as a driving force behind its push for concessions from its workforce.

Despite efforts from both sides to find common ground, negotiations have so far been unsuccessful in resolving the impasse. The IAM has expressed disappointment with Boeing’s unwillingness to address its concerns, while the company has urged the union to come back to the bargaining table with a more realistic approach.

The strike has had a significant impact on Boeing’s operations, with production delays and disruptions affecting its supply chain and delivery schedules. The company has been forced to temporarily halt production at several of its facilities, leading to concerns about the long-term implications for its business.

As the standoff continues, both Boeing and the IAM face mounting pressure to find a resolution that is acceptable to all parties involved. The stakes are high for both sides, as the outcome of the negotiations could have far-reaching implications for the future of the aerospace industry and the livelihoods of thousands of workers.

In the meantime, the striking machinists remain steadfast in their demands for fair treatment and respect from Boeing, while the company continues to navigate the challenges posed by the labor dispute. The coming days and weeks will be crucial in determining the eventual outcome of this high-stakes standoff.