12 Dead in El Salvador Soccer Stadium Stampede as Fans Rush Entrance Gate

12 Dead in El Salvador Soccer Stadium Stampede as Fans Rush Entrance Gate

On February 17, 2022, tragedy struck in El Salvador as 12 people lost their lives in a stampede at a soccer stadium. The incident occurred as fans rushed towards the entrance gate of the stadium, causing chaos and panic. The stampede resulted in the deaths of 12 people and left dozens injured.

The incident took place at the Estadio Cuscatlan in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. The stadium was hosting a soccer match between Alianza FC and CD FAS, two of the most popular teams in the country. The match was highly anticipated, and fans had been waiting for weeks to attend.

As the gates to the stadium opened, fans began to rush towards the entrance, eager to secure their spot inside. However, the crowd quickly became overwhelmed, and chaos ensued. People began pushing and shoving, and soon the situation spiraled out of control.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing people being trampled underfoot as the crowd surged forward. Others were crushed against the walls of the stadium or fell to the ground and were unable to get back up. The scene was one of utter chaos and panic, with people screaming and crying for help.

Emergency services were quickly called to the scene, and paramedics worked tirelessly to treat the injured and transport them to nearby hospitals. However, despite their best efforts, 12 people lost their lives in the stampede. The victims included both men and women, ranging in age from teenagers to adults.

The incident has sparked outrage across El Salvador, with many calling for an investigation into how such a tragedy could have occurred. Some have criticized the authorities for not doing enough to control the crowd or ensure the safety of those attending the match.

In response to the incident, the Salvadoran government has declared three days of national mourning. President Nayib Bukele has also promised a full investigation into the tragedy and has vowed to hold those responsible accountable.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of overcrowding and the importance of proper crowd control measures. It is a tragedy that has left many families grieving and has shaken the entire nation. As El Salvador mourns the loss of 12 of its citizens, the world watches on in sadness and disbelief.