Evidence Collected by DA in Fraud Case Against Trump Includes Secret Audio Tape

Evidence Collected by DA in Fraud Case Against Trump Includes Secret Audio Tape

The ongoing investigation into former President Donald Trump’s business dealings has taken a new turn with the revelation that the District Attorney’s office has collected secret audio recordings as evidence in a fraud case against him. The tapes were reportedly made by Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who has been cooperating with prosecutors since pleading guilty to charges of tax evasion and campaign finance violations in 2018.

The existence of the tapes was first reported by The New York Times, which cited anonymous sources familiar with the investigation. According to the sources, the recordings were made in 2016 during a conversation between Cohen and Trump about a payment that was made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had an affair with Trump in 2006. The payment was allegedly made to buy Daniels’ silence about the affair, which Trump denies ever happened.

The tapes are said to be of poor quality and difficult to hear, but they could still be used as evidence in court. The fact that they were made without Trump’s knowledge or consent raises questions about their admissibility, but legal experts say that as long as Cohen was a party to the conversation, the tapes are likely to be considered admissible.

The fraud case against Trump is related to allegations that he inflated the value of his assets in order to secure loans and insurance coverage. Prosecutors are reportedly looking into whether Trump provided false information to lenders and insurance companies about the value of his real estate holdings in order to obtain favorable terms.

The existence of the tapes is just the latest development in a long-running legal battle between Trump and the DA’s office. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and has accused prosecutors of conducting a politically motivated witch hunt against him. He has also fought to keep his financial records and tax returns out of the hands of investigators, arguing that they are protected by executive privilege and that the DA’s office is overstepping its bounds.

Despite these efforts, the DA’s office has continued to pursue the case against Trump, and the inclusion of the secret audio recordings as evidence is likely to strengthen their case. Whether or not the tapes are ultimately deemed admissible in court, their existence is sure to add fuel to the already heated debate over Trump’s business practices and his fitness for office.
