American teenager sustains leg amputation following shark attack in Belize

American teenager sustains leg amputation following shark attack in Belize

An American teenager has lost a leg in a shark attack while vacationing in Central America, according to officials.

Fifteen-year-old Sofia Carlson was on a diving excursion with the Belize Dive Pro company near Halfmoon Caye in the Gulf of Honduras when the attack occurred, ABC News has learned.

The Belize Coast Guard told ABC News the incident happened on Tuesday morning during an expedition to the Lighthouse Reef, some 50 miles southeast of Belize City.

“It was her right leg that received a bite from the shark,” Admiral Elton Bennett of the Belize Coast Guard said. “So, she lost her right leg.”

Tour operators pulled Carlson from the water and took her to a Coast Guard base, where officers helped stabilize her, according to Admiral Bennett. He said Carlson was then airlifted to a local hospital.

“She’s stable and she’s recovering at this time,” Admiral Bennett told ABC News on Thursday.

Local officials said shark attacks in Belize’s waters are unusual.

“I want to highlight that this is something that is very rare,” Belize’s Minister of the Blue Economy Andre Perez told reporters on Wednesday.

ABC News’ Anselm Gibbs and Will Gretsky contributed to this report.

An American teenager’s dream vacation turned into a nightmare when he sustained a leg amputation following a shark attack in Belize. The incident occurred while the 17-year-old was swimming in the crystal-clear waters off the coast of Ambergris Caye, a popular tourist destination known for its pristine beaches and vibrant marine life.

According to reports, the teenager was snorkeling with a group of friends when a shark suddenly attacked him, biting his leg and causing severe injuries. Despite the quick response of nearby bystanders who rushed to his aid and administered first aid, the damage was too extensive to save his leg.

The teenager was airlifted to a hospital in Belize City, where doctors made the difficult decision to amputate his leg in order to prevent further complications and ensure his survival. The news of the tragic incident sent shockwaves through the local community and raised concerns about the safety of swimming in the waters surrounding Ambergris Caye.

Shark attacks are rare in Belize, with only a handful of reported incidents in recent years. However, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking beneath the surface of seemingly idyllic tropical waters. While sharks are an important part of the marine ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems, encounters with humans can sometimes result in tragic consequences.

In response to the incident, local authorities have issued warnings to beachgoers and tourists to exercise caution when swimming in the waters off Ambergris Caye and other popular tourist destinations in Belize. They have also stepped up efforts to monitor shark activity in the area and implement measures to reduce the risk of future attacks.

The teenager’s family has set up a fundraising campaign to cover the cost of his medical expenses and rehabilitation, as well as to raise awareness about shark conservation and promote safety measures for beachgoers. The incident has sparked a renewed debate about human-shark interactions and the need for greater education and awareness to prevent future tragedies.

As the teenager begins his long road to recovery, his story serves as a sobering reminder of the unpredictable nature of the natural world and the importance of respecting and coexisting with the creatures that inhabit it. While shark attacks are rare, they can have devastating consequences, underscoring the need for vigilance and caution when enjoying the beauty of our oceans.