Analysis: Democrats Express Concerns Over Biden’s Press Conference, Feeling Stuck in Limbo

Analysis: Democrats Express Concerns Over Biden's Press Conference, Feeling Stuck in Limbo

President Joe Biden’s highly anticipated press conference went better than his debate. It also wasn’t a masterclass. And Democrats are worried they’re right where they started before he spoke Thursday night.

Biden’s remarks featured both a vociferous defense of his record and detailed explanation of his foreign policy along with eyebrow-raising flubs, including mixing up the names of his vice president and his rival. That leaves Democrats’ takeaways from the press conference muddled as the party continues to spasm over last month’s debate, when Biden’s rambling answers sparked a tense debate about replacing him on the 2024 ballot.

“This isn’t a home run. It’s not a disaster, but it also doesn’t prove he can go out there and campaign and win. This doesn’t erase the debate, and it doesn’t move the polls. If I’m a member of Congress or a donor, I’m not walking away from this inspired, so the issues he had before the presser remain,” said one former House Democratic aide.

“This is the worst-case scenario — it doesn’t change the dynamic, and that’s what the goal was,” the person added. “We’re still stuck in purgatory.”

Biden opened up his press conference by praising this week’s NATO summit, touting that the alliance is “not only stronger” but also “bigger” under his watch while swatting at former President Donald Trump’s skepticism of the alliance.

“Have you seen a more successful conference?” he shot back at one reporter during the event’s question-and-answer period.

President Joe Biden holds a press conference during NATO’s 75th anniversary summit, in Washington, July 11, 2024.

Nathan Howard/Reuters

He was able to mix it up with journalists in the crowd on topics like Russia’s war in Ukraine and the war in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas, leaving defenders crowing about his grasp of complex issues. He also swatted away questions of his mental fitness and defended his decision to stay in the race, saying, “We’ve got to finish this job because there’s so much at stake.”

“It absolutely should,” Democratic strategist Karen Finney said when asked whether the appearance would quell concerns. “Answered the tough questions, gave detailed substantive answers and was frank about the concerns that have been raised.”

“I think he convinced a lot of people he should stay in the race,” Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., said on CNN Thursday night, days after he told reporters Democrats were not reading “from the same book” over the president’s chances this November.

President Joe Biden holds a press conference during NATO’s 75th anniversary summit, in Washington, July 11, 2024.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Other moments, however, sparked alarm.

Near the end of the summit, Biden mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin” — referring to Vladimir Putin, the Russian president who invaded Ukraine. And at the beginning of the question-and-answer session, he mistakenly called Vice President Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump,” a remark that quickly ping ponged across social media and had Democrats cringing.

“This was even worse than I thought it would be,” one Democratic pollster said. “It was over the moment he said, ‘Vice President Trump.'”

The person added, “I don’t think he can withstand what is coming.”

The floodgates didn’t open with a wave of new calls for Biden to drop out, but he did suffer a setback in the form Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who released a statement right as the press conference finished — underscoring that some Democrats had already made up their minds before the press conference began.

“It has been the honor of my career to work with him on the achievements that have secured his remarkable legacy in American history,” Himes said in a statement, referencing health care reform, infrastructure funding and gun safety measures and praising Biden’s “unconditional patriotism.”

“It is because of those traits, and in consideration of that legacy, that I hope President Biden will step away from the presidential campaign.”

Reps. Scott Peters, D-Calif., and Eric Sorensen, D-Ill., also issued similarly timed statements calling for Biden to drop out.

Taken together, the press conference appears unlikely to move the needle with a Democratic political class that hasn’t seen quite enough to either launch a full court press to push for Biden’s ouster or to fall completely in line behind him.

“There were no disastrous mistakes. His economic vision was clear. But we’ll still be in a wait and see because nothing else has changed,” said veteran Democratic National Committee member James Zogby.

Biden’s campaign has furiously tried to change that dynamic since the disastrous debate.

President Joe Biden waves as he leaves after speaking during a press conference at the close of the 75th NATO Summit in Washington, July 11, 2024.

Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

A consensus emerged that a more muscular approach was necessary — more travel and more unscripted moments would be needed to assuage worries over both Biden’s age and electability.

The campaign sent him to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and had him sit down with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos (and, this coming Monday, NBC News’ Lester Holt), and the president himself sent House Democrats a strongly worded letter Tuesday of his intention to remain in the race. But here Democrats still are.”It’s the George interview all over again,” one Democratic strategist said of the press conference, referencing the interview with Stephanopoulos that was similar viewed as just good enough to let Biden hang on but not good enough to quiet the storm around him.

Conversations are expected to continue among Democrats on Capitol Hill over how closely to stick by Biden, if at all. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., Thursday touted “candid, cleareyed and comprehensive” conversations lawmakers are having, saying he’d “respect the sanctity of those conversations until we conclude that process.”

The conclusion of that process, however, appears nowhere in sight.

“This was in many ways the worst-case scenario for Dems,” one battleground Democratic strategist told ABC News Thursday. “The president and his team will see this as a huge success, while everyone else will see this as just another example that he’s just too past his prime to win.”

President Joe Biden’s first formal press conference since taking office has left many Democrats feeling concerned and stuck in limbo. The event, which took place on Thursday, March 25th, was highly anticipated as it marked the 64th day of Biden’s presidency – the longest any modern president has gone without facing the press in a formal setting.

During the press conference, Biden addressed a wide range of topics, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis at the southern border, gun control legislation, and his plans for infrastructure and economic recovery. However, many Democrats felt that Biden’s performance fell short of expectations, with some expressing frustration over his cautious and sometimes rambling responses.

One of the main concerns raised by Democrats was Biden’s handling of questions regarding the filibuster and voting rights. When asked about potentially abolishing or reforming the filibuster in order to pass voting rights legislation, Biden seemed hesitant to take a firm stance. This lack of clarity has left many Democrats feeling uncertain about the administration’s commitment to protecting voting rights and combating voter suppression.

Additionally, some Democrats were disappointed by Biden’s failure to provide a clear timeline for when he plans to visit the southern border in response to the ongoing migrant crisis. While Biden acknowledged the seriousness of the situation, he did not offer any concrete plans for addressing the root causes of migration or improving conditions for migrants at the border.

Overall, many Democrats are feeling frustrated and stuck in limbo following Biden’s press conference. Some worry that his cautious approach to key issues like voting rights and immigration could hinder progress on important legislative priorities. Others are concerned that Biden’s lack of clarity and decisiveness could embolden Republicans and hinder efforts to advance a progressive agenda.

Moving forward, it will be important for Biden to address these concerns and demonstrate strong leadership on key issues facing the country. Democrats are hopeful that the administration will take decisive action to protect voting rights, address the migrant crisis at the southern border, and advance policies that benefit all Americans. Only time will tell if Biden can alleviate the concerns of his party and move forward with a clear and effective agenda.