Analysis of the winner of the first Biden-Trump presidential debate

Analysis of the winner of the first Biden-Trump presidential debate

President Joe Biden turned in a dismal performance at the first presidential general-election debate on Thursday night. That was certainly the opinion of many pundits reacting in real time, but thanks to a new 538/Ipsos poll conducted using Ipsos’s KnowledgePanel, we now know it’s how American voters felt as well.

However, while Biden’s hoarse and stumbling delivery immediately sent many Democrats into a panic about their chances of winning in November, our poll also found that the debate didn’t change many voters’ minds about either candidate. Click here for full details.

The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was highly anticipated and closely watched by millions of Americans. The debate, which took place on September 29, 2020, was marked by heated exchanges, interruptions, and personal attacks. Despite the chaotic nature of the debate, many viewers and analysts were able to glean insights into the candidates’ policies, personalities, and debating styles.

One of the key takeaways from the debate was Joe Biden’s performance. Biden, the Democratic nominee, came into the debate with a clear strategy to focus on policy issues and contrast his vision for the country with that of President Trump. Throughout the debate, Biden remained composed and focused, often looking directly into the camera to address the American people. He spoke passionately about his plans to improve healthcare, address climate change, and rebuild the economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden also effectively pushed back against Trump’s attacks, calling out the president’s record on handling the pandemic, his tax returns, and his divisive rhetoric. Biden’s ability to stay on message and remain calm under pressure was seen as a strength by many viewers and pundits.

In terms of substance, Biden was able to articulate his policy proposals clearly and concisely. He outlined his plans to expand access to healthcare, invest in clean energy, and create jobs through infrastructure projects. Biden also emphasized the importance of unity and bipartisanship in order to heal the divisions in the country.

Overall, many observers believed that Biden emerged as the winner of the first debate. His performance was seen as strong and steady, while Trump’s aggressive and combative style was criticized by some as off-putting. Biden’s ability to connect with voters on a personal level and present a clear vision for the future resonated with many viewers.

As the campaign continues, it will be interesting to see how both candidates adjust their strategies in future debates. The first debate provided a glimpse into their contrasting styles and approaches to governing, and voters will have to decide which candidate they believe is best equipped to lead the country in the coming years.