Arizona man found guilty of making threats to kill FBI agents and politicians

Arizona man found guilty of making threats to kill FBI agents and politicians

An Arizona man pleaded guilty to making threats against federal officials on Tuesday, having repeatedly urged fellow social media users to shoot FBI agents and attack politicians, authorities said.

Michael Lee Tomasi, 37, of Rio Verde, Arizona, leveled a series of threats against FBI agents, elected officials and the judge overseeing right-wing conspiracist Alex Jones’ defamation case, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Tomasi posted the graphic threats over a more than two-year period between May 2021 and November of 2023. primarily on the social media platform ‘’, which describes itself as the “community of choice for President Donald J. Trump.”

Tomasi — who was living in Colorado and Arizona at the time of the offenses — pleaded guilty to making threats against federal officials, per a Department of Justice press release. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Oct. 23, and faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Among the offences detailed in the original indictment were a November 2021 threat to sexually assault a congresswoman, “not because of any sexual gratification I get out of it, but because I want to put her through the horror of a violent rape.”

Tomasi also called for the execution of another member of Congress in March 2022, declaring: “He’s one of them. Kill every corrupt politician.”

The defendant repeatedly threatened FBI agents, writing in November 2021: “FBI has no legal ability to enforce anything. Shoot on site.” In an August 2023 post, Tomasi called for “instant death” for FBI agents. “Shoot the FBI first ask questions later,” he wrote. “They are terrorists that deserve nothing but to be shot on site.”

Tomasi also posted a video of him dancing with two guns in a post titled, “My Let’s Go Brandon dance,” a reference to a derogatory meme about President Joe Biden.

In a Department of Justice press release, U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino for the District of Arizona said the “disgruntled defendant” was “prepared to carry out his threats: when arrested he had a loaded handgun in his vehicle, as well as other firearms and body armor in his home.”

-ABC News’ Alexander Mallin contributed to this report.

An Arizona man has been found guilty of making threats to kill FBI agents and politicians, highlighting the serious consequences of threatening violence against government officials.

The man, whose name has not been released to the public, was arrested after making a series of threatening statements online and in person. According to court documents, he had expressed a desire to “take out” FBI agents and politicians who he believed were corrupt or involved in criminal activities.

The case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of making threats against law enforcement and elected officials. Threatening violence not only puts individuals at risk but also undermines the rule of law and the democratic process.

In recent years, there has been a rise in threats and acts of violence against government officials across the country. From online harassment to physical attacks, these incidents have raised concerns about the safety and security of those who serve in public office.

Law enforcement agencies take threats against government officials very seriously and have dedicated resources to investigating and prosecuting individuals who make such threats. In this case, the Arizona man now faces serious legal consequences for his actions.

It is important for individuals to remember that freedom of speech does not extend to making threats of violence. Threatening harm against government officials or anyone else is a criminal offense and can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment.

As we navigate a politically charged and polarized climate, it is crucial for all individuals to engage in civil discourse and respect the rule of law. Threatening violence is never an acceptable or productive way to express dissent or disagreement.

The verdict in this case sends a clear message that threats against law enforcement and politicians will not be tolerated. It is a reminder that we must all work together to uphold the principles of democracy and ensure the safety and security of those who serve our communities.