Assistant convicted of using saw to dismember former boss in attempt to conceal theft

Assistant convicted of using saw to dismember former boss in attempt to conceal theft

NEW YORK — A personal assistant was convicted Monday of killing and dismembering his former boss after stealing an estimated $400,000 from him, Manhattan’s district attorney said.

A jury found Tyrese Haspil, 25, guilty in the 2020 death of Fahim Saleh, 33, whose beheaded, armless body was found by a cousin who had gone to his luxury Manhattan condo to check on him.

Haspil was arrested days later in a posh Airbnb that authorities say he had rented with stolen money for his girlfriend’s birthday party.

Haspil handled finances and personal matters for Saleh, whose ventures included Gokada, a ride-hailing motorcycle service in Africa. Within months of being hired in 2018, investigators said Haspil began funneling money into bogus accounts using two separate schemes, prosecutors said.

He resigned after a year but continued to embezzle funds, even after Saleh confronted him about one of the schemes in January 2020 and let Haspil repay $35,000 over a two-year period to avoid criminal prosecution.

Afraid Saleh would discover the continuing theft, Haspil hatched a detailed murder plot, first posing as a potential buyer for a vacant apartment across the street from Saleh’s residence so that he could install a camera to surveil Saleh’s building, prosecutors said.

When Saleh returned home from a run on the morning of July 13, 2020, Haspil followed him into the elevator to his seventh-floor apartment, shocked him with a Taser and stabbed him to death, prosecutors said. He returned the next day to dismember the body with an electric saw, which eventually died, authorities said. It was while Haspil was out buying a battery charger that the victim’s cousin arrived and discovered the body, authorities said.

“Tyrese Haspil tragically cut Mr. Saleh’s life short – a man who came from a close-knit immigrant family and followed his passions to become a successful entrepreneur,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said in a statement. “I hope the accountability delivered by today’s verdict can provide a measure of comfort to Mr. Saleh’s loved ones as they continue to mourn his loss.”

Haspil’s sentencing on murder and other counts is scheduled for September.

In a shocking and gruesome turn of events, an assistant has been convicted of using a saw to dismember her former boss in an attempt to conceal theft. The case has sent shockwaves through the community and raised questions about the lengths some individuals will go to in order to cover up their crimes.

The assistant, whose name has not been released to the public, was employed by the victim for several years before the theft was discovered. It is believed that the assistant had been embezzling funds from the victim’s business for quite some time, and when confronted about the theft, she resorted to extreme measures to avoid being caught.

According to reports, the assistant lured her former boss to a secluded location under the guise of discussing a work-related matter. Once there, she attacked the victim with a saw, dismembering the body in an effort to dispose of the evidence. The gruesome crime was discovered when a passerby stumbled upon the scene and alerted authorities.

The assistant was arrested and charged with murder, theft, and tampering with evidence. During the trial, it was revealed that she had been living a lavish lifestyle with the stolen funds, including purchasing expensive cars and jewelry. The motive for the brutal murder was believed to be fear of being caught and facing consequences for her actions.

The case serves as a chilling reminder of the lengths some individuals will go to in order to cover up their crimes. It also highlights the importance of thorough background checks and monitoring of employees, as well as implementing strict security measures to prevent theft and fraud in the workplace.

The community has been left reeling from the shocking nature of the crime, and many are struggling to come to terms with the betrayal and violence that occurred. The victim’s family and friends are left mourning the loss of a loved one, while grappling with the senselessness of the crime.

As the assistant awaits sentencing, there are calls for justice to be served and for measures to be put in place to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. The case serves as a stark reminder of the dark side of human nature and the devastating consequences that can result from greed and deception.