Biden criticizes SCOTUS affirmative action decision, highlighting ongoing discrimination in America

Biden criticizes SCOTUS affirmative action decision, highlighting ongoing discrimination in America

Title: Biden Criticizes SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision, Highlighting Ongoing Discrimination in America


President Joe Biden recently expressed his disappointment with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision to uphold certain restrictions on affirmative action in college admissions. In his criticism, Biden highlighted the ongoing discrimination that persists in America, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to address inequality and promote equal opportunities for all citizens. This article will delve into the details of the SCOTUS decision, examine Biden’s critique, and shed light on the persistent discrimination faced by marginalized communities in the country.

The SCOTUS Decision

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld a decision by a lower court that limited the use of race in college admissions. The case involved a challenge to Harvard University’s affirmative action policies, which were accused of discriminating against Asian American applicants. The Court’s decision did not invalidate affirmative action altogether but set a higher bar for universities to justify their use of race as a factor in admissions.

Biden’s Critique

President Biden expressed his disagreement with the SCOTUS decision, arguing that it undermined efforts to address systemic racism and promote diversity in higher education. He emphasized that affirmative action policies are essential tools to level the playing field for historically marginalized communities and ensure equal opportunities for all.

Biden further highlighted that while progress has been made in combating discrimination, it remains an ongoing issue in America. He pointed out that people of color, women, and other marginalized groups still face significant barriers when it comes to education, employment, housing, and criminal justice.

Ongoing Discrimination in America

Biden’s critique resonates with the reality faced by many Americans who continue to experience discrimination based on their race, gender, ethnicity, or other factors. Despite significant strides towards equality, systemic biases persist in various aspects of society.

Education: Marginalized communities often lack access to quality education, perpetuating the cycle of inequality. Disparities in funding, resources, and opportunities contribute to unequal educational outcomes, limiting future prospects for many students.

Employment: Discrimination in the workplace remains a pressing issue. Studies have consistently shown that people of color, women, and individuals from marginalized communities face hiring biases, wage gaps, and limited career advancement opportunities.

Housing: Discrimination in housing is another area where progress has been slow. Minority communities often face redlining, gentrification, and unequal access to affordable housing, leading to segregated neighborhoods and limited economic mobility.

Criminal Justice: Racial disparities within the criminal justice system are well-documented. People of color are disproportionately targeted, arrested, and incarcerated compared to their white counterparts. This systemic bias perpetuates a cycle of inequality and hinders social progress.


President Biden’s criticism of the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action highlights the ongoing discrimination that persists in America. While progress has been made, marginalized communities continue to face significant barriers in education, employment, housing, and the criminal justice system. Efforts to address systemic racism and promote equal opportunities for all citizens must remain a priority. It is crucial for policymakers, institutions, and individuals to work together to dismantle these barriers and create a more inclusive and equitable society.