Chicago police make changes to mass arrests policy before Democratic National Convention

Chicago police make changes to mass arrests policy before Democratic National Convention

CHICAGO — Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling on Tuesday touted the nation’s second-largest police department as fully prepared to handle crowds of protesters expected during the Democratic National Convention, including new ways to handle possible mass arrests.

Law enforcement agencies have been planning for more than a year for the August convention that is expected to draw an estimated 50,000 visitors and massive protests.

“Make no mistake, we are ready,” Snelling said during a news conference alongside U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

Chicago police have received fresh de-escalation training, while about 3,000 officers are undergoing specialized training to “respond directly to civil unrest and the possibility of riots,” according to Snelling.

Proposed changes to the way police deal with mass arrests, which are still being finalized, include more supervisor review onsite and debriefings afterward to see what worked and what didn’t.

“Mass arrest is a last resort,” Snelling said. “But we know the realities of these types of situations, especially when the number of people we’re expecting to converge upon Chicago is inevitable that there is a possibility for vandalism. There is a possibility for violence, and we are prepared to deal with that.”

More than 50 organizations plan to protest in Chicago, which has denied permits for demonstrations near the United Center convention site. That has sparked lawsuits and groups vowing to march whether or not they have permits.

The department has been in the spotlight for its handling of large-scale events.

Chicago police generally received high marks for the handling of NATO protests in 2012, but they faced strong criticism for being unprepared in the aftermath of George Floyd’s 2020 killing in Minneapolis, when civil unrest broke out nationwide. Last week, the city’s Office of the Inspector General said the department has made progress, but it has work to do when it comes to large-scale events.

Snelling has dismissed the report as inaccurate.

Cheatle was expected to tour convention venues this week in Chicago and Milwaukee, which will host the Republican National Convention in July.

When asked if the guilty verdict delivered last week against former President Donald Trump presented additional security issues, she said there has not yet been an impact.

“Our focus is to ensure that we cover off on all potential challenges that we may face during this event and make sure we are fully prepared for it — and I do believe that we are,” she said.

In anticipation of the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the city’s police department has announced changes to its mass arrests policy. The move comes in response to criticism of past practices and concerns about potential civil unrest during the high-profile event.

One of the key changes to the policy is a shift towards a more targeted approach to mass arrests. In the past, Chicago police have been criticized for using a broad-brush approach that resulted in large numbers of peaceful protesters being swept up in mass arrests. Under the new policy, police will focus on individuals who are actively engaged in illegal behavior, rather than arresting large groups of people indiscriminately.

Additionally, the police department has announced that it will be increasing its use of technology and social media monitoring to identify potential troublemakers before they have a chance to cause problems. This proactive approach is aimed at preventing violence and disruption before it occurs, rather than simply reacting to incidents as they unfold.

The changes to the mass arrests policy have been welcomed by civil rights groups and activists who have long been critical of the Chicago police department’s handling of protests and demonstrations. They see the new approach as a step in the right direction towards protecting the rights of peaceful protesters while still maintaining public safety.

However, some critics have expressed concerns that the increased use of technology and surveillance could infringe on civil liberties and lead to the targeting of individuals based on their political beliefs or affiliations. The police department has stated that it will be mindful of these concerns and will work to ensure that all actions taken are in accordance with the law.

Overall, the changes to the mass arrests policy represent a significant shift in how the Chicago police department plans to handle large-scale events like the Democratic National Convention. By focusing on targeted arrests and utilizing technology to prevent violence, the department hopes to strike a balance between maintaining public order and respecting the rights of individuals to peacefully protest. Only time will tell how effective these changes will be in practice, but they represent a step in the right direction towards improving police-community relations and ensuring a safe and peaceful convention.
