Chris Christie to Teach Course on Running for Office at Yale

Chris Christie to Teach Course on Running for Office at Yale

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Former New Jersey governor and unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie will teach a course on running for office at Yale University this semester.

The weekly seminar taught by Christie is titled “How to Run a Political Campaign” and is open to undergraduates as well as graduate students at Yale’s Jackson School of Global Affairs.

The course description says it will examine issues such as communications, fundraising “and the most important question of all: If I do win, what do I want to accomplish and what kind of leader do I want to be?”

Christie, 61, served as governor of New Jersey from 2010 to 2018 and was the U.S. attorney for New Jersey from 2002 to 2008.

He sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 but dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump.

Christie helped Trump with debate preparations in 2020 but later broke with Trump and refused to support his claims of a stolen election.

Christie campaigned for the presidential nomination once more in 2024 but dropped out in January just before the Iowa caucuses.

His Yale seminar follows a talk in April in which Christie told audience members that the truth matters.

“Leaders in our political system have abandoned the truth because it’s hard,” he said. “It’s what we’re seeing on both sides of the aisle and, to me, that’s not what leadership is supposed to be about.”

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is set to bring his expertise in politics to Yale University, where he will be teaching a course on running for office. The course, titled “Running for Office: A Practical Guide,” will provide students with insights and strategies on how to navigate the complex world of political campaigns.

Christie, who served as governor from 2010 to 2018, has a wealth of experience in running for and holding public office. He first gained national attention as the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, where he prosecuted high-profile cases of political corruption. He then successfully ran for governor, winning two terms in office.

During his time as governor, Christie faced numerous challenges and controversies, including the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and the Bridgegate scandal. Through it all, he maintained a strong presence in the political arena and developed a reputation as a skilled campaigner.

In the course, Christie will draw on his own experiences to provide students with practical advice on how to run for office effectively. Topics covered will include crafting a compelling message, building a strong campaign team, fundraising strategies, and navigating the media landscape.

Students enrolled in the course can expect to engage in lively discussions, case studies, and hands-on exercises to deepen their understanding of the political process. Christie’s unique perspective as a former governor and political insider will offer valuable insights into the realities of running for office.

The course is sure to attract students interested in pursuing careers in politics, government, or public service. Whether they aspire to run for local office or aim for higher positions in state or federal government, Christie’s guidance will prove invaluable in helping them achieve their goals.

Overall, Chris Christie’s course on running for office at Yale promises to be a valuable opportunity for students to learn from a seasoned political leader and gain practical skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors. With his wealth of experience and expertise, Christie is well-positioned to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to succeed in the world of politics.
