Colorado authorities kill mountain lion that attacked 11-year-old girl by swatting her cheek

Colorado authorities kill mountain lion that attacked 11-year-old girl by swatting her cheek

On August 21, 2021, an 11-year-old girl was attacked by a mountain lion while playing outside her home in Bailey, Colorado. The girl was swatted on the cheek by the animal, causing minor injuries. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officials responded to the incident and tracked down and killed the mountain lion responsible for the attack.

Mountain lion attacks are rare, but they do occur in Colorado. According to CPW, there have been 22 mountain lion attacks on humans in the state since 1990, with three fatalities. The agency advises people living in or visiting mountain lion habitat to take precautions, such as keeping a close eye on children and pets, carrying bear spray, and making noise while hiking to avoid surprising a lion.

In the case of the Bailey attack, the girl’s father scared off the mountain lion by yelling and waving his arms. The family then called 911 and the girl was taken to a hospital for treatment. CPW officials arrived on the scene and began tracking the mountain lion using dogs. They found the animal about 100 yards from the family’s home and killed it.

CPW officials said that the mountain lion was a juvenile male weighing about 70 pounds. They performed a necropsy on the animal and found that it was in good health and had no signs of disease or malnutrition. They also found human DNA under its claws, confirming that it was the same animal that had attacked the girl.

CPW officials emphasized that killing the mountain lion was necessary to protect public safety. “Our thoughts are with the family and we are glad that this minor injury wasn’t more serious,” said CPW Northeast Region Manager Mark Leslie. “We take these incidents very seriously and will do everything we can to protect public safety.”

Mountain lions are apex predators and play an important role in Colorado’s ecosystem. CPW manages the state’s mountain lion population through hunting and trapping, but also works to educate the public about living safely in mountain lion habitat. If you encounter a mountain lion, CPW advises you to make yourself look big, make noise, and back away slowly. Do not run or turn your back on the animal.

The Bailey mountain lion attack serves as a reminder that we share our environment with wild animals and must take precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones. By following CPW’s guidelines and being aware of our surroundings, we can reduce the risk of encounters with mountain lions and other wildlife.