Crowds gather in New York City to witness biannual Manhattanhenge event

Crowds gather in New York City to witness biannual Manhattanhenge event

Crowds gather to witness biannual Manhattanhenge in New York City

A few clouds on the horizon didn’t stop crowds from gathering in New York City on Tuesday night for Manhattanhenge, the biannual alignment of the setting sun and the city’s street grid.

May 29, 2024

Twice a year, crowds gather in New York City to witness a spectacular natural phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge. This event occurs when the setting sun aligns perfectly with the east-west streets of Manhattan, creating a stunning visual effect as the sun’s rays illuminate the city’s iconic skyscrapers.

Manhattanhenge typically occurs in late May and mid-July, when the sun is at just the right angle to line up with the city’s grid layout. The term “Manhattanhenge” was coined by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who noted the similarity between the event and the ancient stone monuments in England that align with the sun during the solstices.

The best views of Manhattanhenge can be found along the east-west streets of Manhattan, such as 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th Streets. These streets offer unobstructed views of the setting sun as it dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city.

Each year, thousands of people flock to these streets to witness Manhattanhenge firsthand. Photographers set up their tripods and cameras to capture the perfect shot, while tourists and locals alike marvel at the beauty of the sun’s alignment with the city’s skyline.

In recent years, social media has played a significant role in spreading awareness of Manhattanhenge, with hashtags like #Manhattanhenge and #NYC capturing the attention of people around the world. This has led to even larger crowds gathering to witness the event, turning it into a must-see spectacle for anyone visiting New York City during the summer months.

While Manhattanhenge only lasts for a few minutes each day, the experience of witnessing this natural phenomenon is truly unforgettable. As the sun sets over the city, casting its golden light across the streets and buildings, it serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

So if you find yourself in New York City during late May or mid-July, be sure to join the crowds gathering along Manhattan’s east-west streets to witness the magic of Manhattanhenge. It’s an experience you won’t soon forget.
