Defense lawyer asserts President Trump’s innocence in closing arguments: Live updates from Trump trial

Defense lawyer asserts President Trump's innocence in closing arguments: Live updates from Trump trial

“It’s a paper case,” defense attorney Todd Blanche says. “This case is not about an encounter with Stormy Daniels 18 years ago. An encounter that President Trump has unequivocally and repeatedly denied ever occurred. It’s not even about a settlement in 2016,” Blanche said.

“The bookings were accurate. And there was absolutely no intent to defraud,” he said. “And beyond that, there was no conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.”

Starting a PowerPoint showing the evidence, Blanche quickly seeks to made the case a referendum on the credibility of Michael Cohen, telling jurors he lied on the witness stand.

“You cannot convict President Trump of any crime beyond a reasonable doubt on the words of Michael Cohen,” Blanche said.

“He told you a number of things on that witness stand that were lies, pure and simple,” Blanche continued.

“The words that Michael Cohen said to you on that stand — they matter. He took an oath, he swore to tell the truth, and he told you a number of things on that witness stand that were lies, pure and simple,” Blanche said.

In the highly anticipated trial of President Donald Trump, his defense lawyer made a compelling case for his innocence in the closing arguments. The trial, which has captivated the nation for weeks, has seen intense scrutiny and debate over whether or not the President should be impeached.

During his closing arguments, Trump’s defense lawyer argued that there was no concrete evidence to support the charges against the President. He claimed that the accusations were based on hearsay and speculation, rather than hard facts. The defense lawyer also emphasized that the President had not committed any crimes and was simply exercising his constitutional rights.

The defense team pointed to the lack of direct evidence linking President Trump to any wrongdoing, and argued that the charges against him were politically motivated. They also highlighted the President’s accomplishments during his time in office, including a strong economy and successful foreign policy initiatives.

As the trial drew to a close, tensions ran high in the courtroom as both sides made their final arguments. Supporters of the President cheered on his defense team, while critics of Trump expressed outrage at what they saw as a lack of accountability for his actions.

In the end, it will be up to the Senate to decide whether or not to convict President Trump and remove him from office. The outcome of the trial remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: the defense lawyer’s closing arguments have left a lasting impact on the proceedings.

As the nation waits for a verdict, all eyes are on the Senate as they prepare to make a historic decision that will shape the future of American politics. Stay tuned for more updates as the trial continues to unfold.