Detroit Judge Removed from Duty for Dressing Sleepy Teen in Jail Clothes During Court Field Trip

Detroit Judge Removed from Duty for Dressing Sleepy Teen in Jail Clothes During Court Field Trip

DETROIT — A Detroit judge who ordered a teenager into jail clothes and handcuffs on a field trip to his courtroom will be off the bench while undergoing “necessary training,” the court’s chief judge said Thursday.

Meanwhile, the girl’s mother said Judge Kenneth King was a “big bully.”

“My daughter is hurt. She is feeling scared,” Latoreya Till told the Detroit Free Press.

She identified her daughter as Eva Goodman. The 15-year-old fell asleep in King’s court Tuesday while on a visit organized by a Detroit nonprofit.

King didn’t like it. But he said it was her attitude that led to the jail clothes, handcuffs and stern words.

“I wanted this to look and feel very real to her, even though there’s probably no real chance of me putting her in jail,” he explained to WXYZ-TV.

King has been temporarily removed from his criminal case docket and will undergo “necessary training to address the underlying issues that contributed to this incident,” said William McConico, the chief judge at 36th District Court.

The court “remains deeply committed to providing access to justice in an environment free from intimidation or disrespect. The actions of Judge King on August 13th do not reflect this commitment,” McConico said.

He said the State Court Administrative Office approved the step. King will continue to be paid. Details about the training, and how long it would last, were not disclosed.

King, who has been a judge since 2006, didn’t immediately return a phone message seeking comment. At the close of his Thursday hearings, accessible on YouTube, he made a heart shape with his hands. The judge’s work includes determining whether there’s enough evidence to send felony cases to trial at Wayne County Circuit Court.

Till said her daughter was sleepy during the Tuesday court visit because the family doesn’t have a permanent residence.

“And so, that particular night, we got in kind of late,” she told the Free Press, referring to Monday night. “And usually, when she goes to work, she’s up and planting trees or being active.”

The teen was seeing King’s court as part of a visit organized by The Greening of Detroit, an environmental group.

“Although the judge was trying to teach a lesson of respect, his methods were unacceptable,” said Marissa Ebersole Wood, the group’s chairperson. “The group of students should have been simply asked to leave the courtroom if he thought they were disrespectful.”


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A Detroit judge has been removed from duty after facing backlash for dressing a sleepy teen in jail clothes during a court field trip. The incident occurred during a visit to the courthouse as part of a program aimed at educating young people about the legal system.

The teen, who had fallen asleep during the tour, was reportedly woken up by Judge Frank Murphy and told to put on an orange jumpsuit typically worn by inmates. The judge then proceeded to take a photo of the teen in the outfit and shared it with the group.

The decision to dress the teen in jail clothes has sparked outrage and criticism from both the public and legal community. Many have condemned the judge’s actions as inappropriate and potentially traumatizing for the young individual involved.

In response to the incident, the Michigan Supreme Court has removed Judge Murphy from his duties and launched an investigation into the matter. The court has stated that such behavior is not in line with the standards expected of a judge and is taking steps to ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of professionalism and sensitivity when interacting with individuals, especially young people, within the legal system. It is crucial for judges and court officials to uphold the dignity and respect of all individuals who come before them, regardless of their circumstances.

Moving forward, it is essential for judges to undergo training on appropriate conduct and interactions with individuals, particularly those who may be vulnerable or impressionable. By promoting a culture of respect and understanding within the legal system, we can ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and with dignity.