Donald Trump proposes that increased police force could deter retail theft

Donald Trump proposes that increased police force could deter retail theft

At a rally in Pennsylvania on Sunday, former President Donald Trump suggested “one rough hour” of law enforcement would deter retail theft.

After falsely claiming crime is up in the U.S. under President Joe Biden, mostly due to migrant crime, Trump brought up seeing stores in New York City and San Francisco locking up their merchandise behind glass doors.

“See, we have to let the police do their job. And if they have to be extraordinarily rough –” Trump trailed off as his rally crowd cheered.

Trump went on to claim, without evidence, that people are walking out of stores with items like air conditioning units and refrigerators “on their back,” “And the police aren’t allowed to do their job,” he said.

“They’re told if you do anything, you’re going to lose your pension; you’re going to lose your family, your house, your car. The police want to do it. The Border Patrol wants to do it. … They’re not allowed to do it because the liberal left won’t let ’em do it,” he said on stage.

“You know, if you had one day, like, one real rough, nasty day with the drugstores as an example, where when they start walking out with–” Trump continued before pivoting to retail crime in San Francisco, falsely claiming his opponent in the presidential race — Vice President Kamala Harris — was responsible for reclassifying felony theft as misdemeanors if under $950, even though it was a proposition approved by California voters.

Trump, who said he recently had a tenant end a lease due to retail theft, said things are “so bad.”

“One rough hour — and I mean real rough — the word will get out, and it will end immediately, end immediately. You know, it will end immediately,” he said.

President Donald Trump recently suggested that increasing police presence in retail areas could help deter theft and reduce crime rates. This proposal comes as many cities across the country are experiencing a rise in retail theft, with organized crime rings targeting stores and stealing millions of dollars worth of merchandise.

According to Trump, having more police officers patrolling retail areas would not only help catch thieves in the act but also serve as a deterrent to potential criminals. He believes that the fear of getting caught by law enforcement would discourage individuals from engaging in illegal activities such as shoplifting and organized retail crime.

Supporters of Trump’s proposal argue that a visible police presence can create a sense of security for both retailers and customers, leading to a decrease in theft and other criminal activities. They also believe that increased police patrols can help build stronger relationships between law enforcement and the community, ultimately leading to a safer and more secure retail environment.

However, critics of Trump’s proposal raise concerns about the potential for increased police presence to lead to racial profiling and discrimination. They argue that targeting retail areas with more police officers could disproportionately impact minority communities and exacerbate existing tensions between law enforcement and marginalized groups.

Additionally, some experts question the effectiveness of using police as a primary deterrent for retail theft. They argue that addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of access to education and employment opportunities, and mental health issues, is essential in reducing theft and improving overall community safety.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of Trump’s proposal to increase police presence in retail areas as a means to deter theft remains to be seen. It is clear that addressing the complex issue of retail theft requires a comprehensive approach that considers various factors, including social and economic conditions, community engagement, and law enforcement strategies. Only through collaboration and thoughtful planning can we hope to create a safer and more secure retail environment for all.
