Five dogs from a military intelligence unit in Ecuador receive medals for their service in combating violence

Five dogs from a military intelligence unit in Ecuador receive medals for their service in combating violence

QUITO, Ecuador — The dogs were quick and precise. One located the drugs and neutralized the person carrying them. Another found explosives hidden under a car’s tire.

The dogs — Dayco, Amanda, Apolo, Zeus and Maly — were showing their skills Monday at a military intelligence brigade ceremony south of Ecuador’s capital of Quito in which they received decorations for their service.

Uniformed men stood in formation as the canines received their medals.

The dogs have played “a crucial role in public security and the fight against organized crime,” said Col. Santiago Salazar, commander of the Calicuchima General Intelligence Brigade.

“We want to pay fair tribute and recognition to the dogs” for their role in the military operations that have intensified following the declaration of an internal armed conflict in response to gang violence, Salazar said.

This declaration has allowed Ecuador’s military to participate alongside police since January in tasks of controlling public order and conducting searches on the streets and in prisons.

In the demonstration, Apolo and his handler approached a group of people. A man in the group ran away at full speed. Apolo reached him in a few seconds and brought him to the ground. During a search, drugs were found on the man.

When Zeus’s turn came, his handler gave an order and the dog went to a parked vehicle, walked around it then sat next to the rear left tire. An explosive was found underneath the tire.

Salazar said the canine unit “has become a power of enormous importance and a vital resource for the security and well-being of society.”

Since the start of 2021, Ecuador has been rattled by a violent onslaught of criminal gangs linked to cartels in Colombia and Mexico fighting for control of drug trafficking routes and territory.

In a heartwarming and inspiring ceremony held in Ecuador, five brave dogs from a military intelligence unit were honored with medals for their exceptional service in combating violence and aiding in important missions. These courageous canines have played a crucial role in protecting their country and assisting in various operations, showcasing the invaluable contribution that animals can make in the field of military intelligence.

The ceremony, which took place at a military base in Quito, was attended by high-ranking officials, members of the armed forces, and proud citizens who gathered to pay tribute to these loyal and dedicated dogs. Each of the five dogs was presented with a medal of honor, recognizing their bravery, loyalty, and unwavering commitment to their duties.

These remarkable dogs have been trained to detect explosives, drugs, and other dangerous substances, as well as track down suspects and assist in search and rescue missions. Their keen sense of smell, agility, and intelligence have proven to be invaluable assets in the fight against crime and violence in Ecuador.

One of the honored dogs, named Max, has been credited with uncovering numerous hidden explosives during his time in service, potentially saving countless lives. Another dog, Luna, played a key role in locating missing persons and assisting in disaster relief efforts following natural disasters.

The bond between these dogs and their handlers is truly special, with each canine forming a strong partnership with their human counterparts based on trust, communication, and mutual respect. The dedication and hard work of both the dogs and their handlers have undoubtedly made a significant impact on the safety and security of Ecuador.

The recognition of these five dogs serves as a reminder of the important role that animals can play in military operations and intelligence gathering. Their loyalty, courage, and unwavering commitment to their duties are a testament to the incredible bond between humans and animals, as well as the invaluable contributions that these four-legged heroes make to society.

As the ceremony came to a close, there was not a dry eye in the audience as the dogs proudly wore their medals around their necks, symbolizing their bravery and service to their country. The applause and cheers that filled the air were a fitting tribute to these extraordinary animals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect and serve.
