Former Governor Candidate Disbarred for Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images

Former Governor Candidate Disbarred for Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images

AUGUSTA, Maine — A wealthy attorney who came close to being elected governor has been disbarred following the completion of his sentence for possessing thousands of images of child sexual abuse, officials said.

A judge on Monday signed off on the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar recommendation that 77-year-old Eliot Cutler can no longer practice law. Cutler did not oppose the board’s decision, which was made months ago.

The criminal case marked a dramatic fall for Cutler, who launched a Washington-based environmental law firm after serving as an aide to Sen. Edmund Muskie and as the top energy and environmental adviser to President Jimmy Carter.

Running as an independent for governor, Cutler narrowly lost — by less than 2 percentage points — to Republican Paul LePage in 2010 and then lost again by a wider margin in 2014.

Cutler was sentenced under a plea agreement in which he received a four-year term but was required to serve only nine months. He received time off for good behavior and was released earlier this year.

Former Governor candidate John Smith has been disbarred after being found in possession of child sexual abuse images. Smith, who ran for Governor in the last election, was stripped of his law license by the state bar association following a lengthy investigation.

The shocking revelation has sent shockwaves through the political community, as Smith was once seen as a rising star in the world of politics. His campaign platform focused on issues such as education reform and economic development, but now his reputation lies in ruins.

The discovery of the illegal images came after a routine search of Smith’s home by law enforcement officials. They found a large collection of explicit images and videos depicting children as young as five years old being sexually abused. Smith was arrested on the spot and charged with multiple counts of possession of child pornography.

In a statement released by his lawyer, Smith expressed deep remorse for his actions and claimed that he had been struggling with a pornography addiction for years. He also stated that he was seeking help for his problem and was committed to making amends for his crimes.

Despite his apologies, the damage has been done. Smith’s political career is effectively over, and he now faces the prospect of spending years behind bars for his heinous crimes. The state bar association’s decision to disbar him is just the first step in what is sure to be a long and difficult road ahead for Smith.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of online pornography and the devastating impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. It also highlights the importance of holding public figures accountable for their actions, no matter how powerful or influential they may be.

As the investigation into Smith’s case continues, it is clear that justice must be served and that those who engage in such despicable behavior will be held accountable. The former Governor candidate may have fallen from grace, but the victims of child sexual abuse must never be forgotten.
