Funeral Director in Indiana Admits to 40 Counts of Theft Following Discovery of Decomposing Bodies

Funeral Director in Indiana Admits to 40 Counts of Theft Following Discovery of Decomposing Bodies

Funeral Director in Indiana Admits to 40 Counts of Theft Following Discovery of Decomposing Bodies

A funeral director in Indiana has admitted to 40 counts of theft after the discovery of decomposing bodies in his funeral home. The shocking revelation has left many families devastated and outraged.

The funeral director, identified as 38-year-old Shawn Michael Ley, was arrested in December 2020 after authorities found several decomposing bodies in his funeral home. The investigation began after a family reported that they had not received their loved one’s ashes despite paying for cremation services.

Upon further investigation, authorities discovered that Ley had been stealing money from families who had entrusted him with their loved ones’ final arrangements. He had been pocketing payments for services he never provided, leaving families without closure or the ability to properly say goodbye to their loved ones.

The discovery of the decomposing bodies was particularly disturbing. Some of the bodies had been left unrefrigerated for weeks, causing them to decompose and emit a foul odor. The conditions were so bad that the funeral home had to be closed down and condemned.

Ley has since admitted to 40 counts of theft and has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. He has also been ordered to pay restitution to the families affected by his actions.

The case has shed light on the importance of researching and carefully selecting a reputable funeral home. Families should take the time to read reviews, ask for recommendations from friends and family, and verify the funeral home’s credentials before entrusting them with their loved ones’ final arrangements.

In addition, families should be aware of their rights when it comes to funeral services. Funeral homes are required by law to provide a general price list of their services and products, and families have the right to choose which services they want and decline any they do not need.

The case of Shawn Michael Ley serves as a reminder that there are individuals who will take advantage of vulnerable families during their time of grief. It is important to be vigilant and informed when making decisions about funeral arrangements.