Harris Campaign Reports $361 Million Raised in August from Nearly 3 Million Donors

Harris Campaign Reports $361 Million Raised in August from Nearly 3 Million Donors

WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris raised well more than double what former President Donald Trump took in from donors in August, her campaign announced Friday, saying it raised $361 million from nearly 3 million donors in her first full month as a candidate.

Trump’s team had announced Wednesday he brought in $130 million over the same period. Harris’ team says it ended the month with $404 million on hand for the final sprint to Election Day, $109 million more than Trump’s campaign says it had at the end of August.

The massive Harris war chest is being used to fund a $370 million paid media effort for the final two months of the campaign, and to pay for its more than 2,000 field staff spread through more than 310 offices in battleground states.

Harris’ fundraising builds on the $310 million she raised in July, the overwhelming majority of which came in after she took over President Joe Biden’s campaign after he dropped out that month. The ticket swap has helped the Democratic party reverse the fundraising edge Trump had developed in the prior months, when voter doubts about Biden’s fitness for another term dampened donor — and voter — enthusiasm.

“In just a short time, Vice President Harris’ candidacy has galvanized a history-making, broad and diverse coalition — with the type of enthusiasm, energy and grit that wins close elections,” Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement. “As we enter the final stretch of this election, we’re making sure every hard-earned dollar goes to winning over the voters who will decide this election.”

The figures released by both campaigns do not include full Federal Elections Commission filings, which will come later this month. Both campaign totals include fundraising by their respective national parties and associated committees.

The campaign for Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris has reported an impressive fundraising haul of $361 million in the month of August, coming from nearly 3 million individual donors. This record-breaking amount is a testament to the enthusiasm and support that Harris has garnered from voters across the country.

The $361 million raised in August far surpasses the previous monthly record for fundraising by a vice presidential candidate, and is a clear indication of the momentum behind the Harris campaign. The funds will be crucial in helping to support Harris and her running mate, Joe Biden, as they seek to defeat President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

The fact that nearly 3 million individuals contributed to the campaign is also significant, as it demonstrates the broad base of support that Harris has been able to build. This level of grassroots support is a key indicator of a campaign’s strength and viability, and bodes well for Harris and Biden as they head into the final stretch of the election season.

The fundraising success of the Harris campaign is particularly noteworthy given the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With traditional in-person fundraising events largely on hold, campaigns have had to rely more heavily on virtual events and online donations. The fact that Harris was able to raise such a substantial amount in a single month speaks to her ability to adapt to these new circumstances and effectively engage with supporters in a virtual setting.

The funds raised by the Harris campaign will be used to support a wide range of activities, including advertising, voter outreach, and get-out-the-vote efforts. These resources will be critical in helping Harris and Biden to compete with the well-funded Trump campaign in the final weeks leading up to the election.

Overall, the $361 million raised by the Harris campaign in August is a clear sign of the energy and enthusiasm that Harris has generated among voters. With just a few weeks left until Election Day, this fundraising success will provide a significant boost to the Harris-Biden ticket as they seek to win the White House and bring about positive change for the American people.