How to View the Peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower

How to View the Peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower

The next great sky show is coming late Sunday evening, and it is forecast to be one of the most awe-inspiring shooting star displays of 2024.

Appearing annually between late July and mid-August, the Perseid meteor shower is expected to reach its peak on the evening of Sunday, Aug. 11, and before dawn on Monday, Aug. 12, according to NASA.

Marking one of the most plentiful meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere, the Perseids showcase approximately 50 to 100 meteors per hour, NASA reports.

In this Aug. 9,. 2018, file photo, a Perseid meteor streaks down the Milky Way over the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in the Cypress Hills of southwest Saskatchewan, at Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park.

UIG via Getty Images, FILE

In addition to the plentiful showcase, the Perseids — which get their name from the constellation Perseus — are famous for bringing fireballs, bright colors and long meteor tails to the night sky.

“Fireballs are larger explosions of light and color that can persist longer than an average meteor streak,” according to NASA.

Skywatchers in the Southern Hemisphere, from the equator to mid-latitudes, will still get a glimpse of the shower, though it will be less pronounced than in the north.

A huge Perseid meteor is being seen over the night sky in Haputale, Sri Lanka, on Aug. 4, 2024.

NurPhoto via Getty Images

Unfortunately, the agency notes that viewing the meteor shower this year will be “slightly impacted” by the Moon, which will be waxing at 53% in its cycle, lending more brightness in the sky to take away from the view.

The best time to view the Perseids will be past Midnight and it will become more pronounced as the sky darkens, according to NASA.

Additionally, those viewing the shower in remote locations, away from city lights, will have the best chance at a clear view, NASA says.

So, where do the Perseids come from and why do they appear annually?

Meteors are produced from comet particles and debris from broken asteroids. When comets and asteroids navigate around the Sun, they create a train of dust and debris in their wake.

Each year, the Earth rotates through the trail of debris, allowing it to impact the atmosphere and become visible to the naked eye.

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most anticipated celestial events of the year, with hundreds of shooting stars streaking across the night sky. This annual event occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle, resulting in a spectacular display of meteors burning up in our atmosphere.

If you want to catch a glimpse of the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, here are some tips on how to best view this dazzling display:

1. Find a Dark Sky Location: The key to seeing the most meteors is to get away from light pollution. Find a location that is far away from city lights, such as a national park or rural area, where the night sky is at its darkest.

2. Check the Weather: Make sure to check the weather forecast before heading out to view the meteor shower. Clear skies are essential for optimal viewing, so try to pick a night when there are no clouds in sight.

3. Time it Right: The peak of the Perseid meteor shower typically occurs in mid-August, with the best viewing times in the early morning hours before dawn. Set your alarm and be prepared to stay up late or wake up early to catch the most meteors.

4. Bring a Blanket and Chair: Viewing a meteor shower can be a long and relaxing experience, so be sure to bring a comfortable blanket or chair to sit back and enjoy the show. You’ll want to be as comfortable as possible while gazing up at the night sky.

5. Give Your Eyes Time to Adjust: It can take up to 20 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust to the darkness, so be patient and give yourself plenty of time to let your eyes adapt. Avoid looking at any bright lights or screens during this time.

6. Look Towards the Perseus Constellation: The Perseid meteor shower gets its name from the constellation Perseus, as the meteors appear to radiate from this point in the sky. Look towards the northeast sky to spot the radiant point and keep your eyes peeled for shooting stars streaking across the sky.

7. Be Prepared for a Magical Experience: Watching a meteor shower is a truly awe-inspiring experience that can leave you feeling humbled by the vastness of the universe. Take in the beauty of the night sky and enjoy the wonder of nature’s light show.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to view the peak of the Perseid meteor shower and witness one of nature’s most breathtaking displays. So grab your blanket, head to a dark sky location, and get ready for an unforgettable night under the stars.