Hunter Biden’s sentencing for gun crime scheduled for a week after Election Day

Hunter Biden's sentencing for gun crime scheduled for a week after Election Day

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, will face sentencing for his three-count felony conviction on Nov. 13, just one week after the presidential election.

Biden was found guilty in June by a Delaware jury of violating the law when he obtained a firearm in 2018, at a time when he was addicted to drugs. For the three felony convictions, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison — though legal experts believe he will not serve time as a first-time and nonviolent offender.

Hunter Biden arrives to the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building on June 6, 2024 in Wilmington, Del.

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images, FILE

Hunter Biden had sought a new trial in the case, saying his “convictions should be vacated” because trial commenced before a circuit court formally issued a mandate denying one of his many pretrial appeals. But last month, his attorneys withdrew their bid for a new trial, conceding in court papers that the motion misunderstood a technicality in the district court’s capacity to carry out a trial.

He had tried several times to get the federal charges tossed before the trial began, but to no avail.

President Joe Biden has repeatedly pledged to not pardon his son, including in an interview with “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir.

While the trial was still ongoing, Biden was asked if he would respect the outcome, to which he responded, “Yes,” and if he would rule out a pardon for Hunter Biden. Again, he responded, simply, “Yes.”

Hunter Biden faces a separate criminal trial in September on federal tax charges. He has pleaded not guilty.

Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, is facing potential legal trouble just days after the highly anticipated Election Day. The 50-year-old businessman and former board member of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings is scheduled to be sentenced for a gun crime on November 10th, 2020.

The incident in question occurred in 2018 when Hunter Biden’s then-girlfriend, Hallie Biden, threw his .38 revolver in a trash can behind a grocery store in Wilmington, Delaware. The gun was later discovered by a homeless man who turned it over to police. Authorities traced the firearm back to Hunter Biden, who had purchased it legally but failed to report it missing.

Biden’s sentencing comes at a critical time as his father, Joe Biden, is in the final stretch of his presidential campaign against incumbent President Donald Trump. The timing of the sentencing has raised questions about its potential impact on the election, with some speculating that it could potentially sway undecided voters.

Hunter Biden has been a frequent target of criticism from President Trump and his supporters, who have accused him of using his father’s political influence for personal gain. The gun incident has only added fuel to the fire, with some questioning Biden’s judgment and character.

Despite the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden, his legal team has maintained that he is taking responsibility for his actions and is cooperating fully with authorities. They have also emphasized that the incident was a mistake and not indicative of any larger pattern of behavior.

It remains to be seen what impact, if any, Hunter Biden’s sentencing will have on the outcome of the election. With tensions running high and the stakes higher than ever, this latest development adds another layer of complexity to an already contentious campaign season.