IDF announces daily ‘tactical pause’ along Gaza aid route: Israel-Gaza live updates

IDF announces daily 'tactical pause' along Gaza aid route: Israel-Gaza live updates

President Joe Biden issued a statement Sunday commemorating the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha in which he acknowledged the pain and suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza.

“In Gaza, innocent civilians are suffering the horrors of the war between Hamas and Israel.,” Biden said. “Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children. Families have fled their homes and seen their communities destroyed. Their pain is immense.”

Biden added that his administration is working to end the war and make progress toward a two-state solution.

“And I strongly believe that the three-phase ceasefire proposal Israel has made to Hamas and that the U.N. Security Council has endorsed is the best way to end the violence in Gaza and ultimately end the war,” Biden said.

Biden also cited the conflict in Sudan as well as the targeting of Muslim communities in Burma and China.

He used the holiday to celebrate the contributions of the Muslim community in America and also to say that he is committed to fighting Islamophobia in the United States.

“Hate has no place in America, whether it is targeted at American Muslims, Arab Americans including Palestinians, or anyone else,” Biden said.

He added, “In the spirit of Eid al-Adha, let us all renew our commitment to values that unite us — compassion, empathy, and mutual respect — which are both American and Islamic.”

ABC News’ Michelle Stoddart

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have announced a daily “tactical pause” along the aid route to Gaza, as tensions continue to escalate in the region. This decision comes as part of efforts to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian aid into Gaza, amidst ongoing clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants.

The daily pause will allow for the safe passage of aid convoys and humanitarian workers through designated routes, providing much-needed relief to the residents of Gaza who have been severely impacted by the recent violence. This move is seen as a positive step towards easing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where basic necessities such as food, water, and medical supplies are in short supply.

The announcement of the tactical pause comes as the conflict between Israel and Gaza shows no signs of abating. Israeli airstrikes have targeted Hamas militants in response to rocket attacks from Gaza, resulting in civilian casualties and widespread destruction. The situation has drawn international condemnation, with calls for both sides to de-escalate and seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The IDF’s decision to implement a daily pause along the aid route demonstrates a commitment to upholding humanitarian principles and ensuring the well-being of civilians caught in the crossfire. By allowing for the safe passage of aid convoys, the IDF is taking a proactive step towards alleviating the suffering of the people of Gaza and providing much-needed assistance to those in need.

As the situation in Gaza continues to evolve, it is imperative that all parties involved prioritize the protection of civilians and adhere to international humanitarian law. The daily tactical pause announced by the IDF is a positive development that will hopefully contribute to a reduction in violence and pave the way for a lasting ceasefire.

In conclusion, the IDF’s announcement of a daily tactical pause along the aid route to Gaza is a welcome development in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. By prioritizing the safe passage of humanitarian aid, the IDF is demonstrating a commitment to upholding humanitarian principles and alleviating the suffering of civilians in Gaza. It is crucial that all parties involved in the conflict work towards de-escalation and seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
