Illinois voters share opinions on potential 2024 vice presidential candidates Tim Walz and JD Vance

Illinois voters share opinions on potential 2024 vice presidential candidates Tim Walz and JD Vance

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will take the stage at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday to formally accept the vice presidential nomination and deliver a keynote speech.

Vice President Kamala Harris tapped Walz to be her running mate earlier this month, just a couple weeks after she became the presumptive Democratic nominee following President Joe Biden’s exit.

Walz, 60, gained traction during the veepstakes with his folksy mannerisms and viral comments advocating for the Democratic Party’s agenda and critiquing former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance. But nationally, he was a relatively unknown figure.

“When Harris announced that Tim Walz was running for vice president, I had absolutely no clue who this man was,” said Valerie Jencks, a moderate Democrat from Illinois who is supporting the Harris-Walz ticket.

Jencks and other local voters sat down with ABC News at Chicago’s Green Door Tavern to discuss the 2024 election.

Jencks said she was “personally relieved” that Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker was not selected because she’d like him to remain in his position leading the state, and said she was a strong supporter of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in the veepstakes.

Still, she said she thought Walz was “a breath of fresh air.”

Illinois voter Valerie Jencks speaks to ABC News about the 2024 election as the Democratic National Convention unfolds in Chicago.

ABC News

“He is knowledgeable about the issues. He has a very strong record, and he’s very personable and authentic,” Jencks said of Walz. “I feel like he really understands the issues of the everyday American.”

Last month, Trump announced Vance would be his running mate during the first day of the Republican National Convention.

Vance, a 39-year-old first-term senator from Ohio, has become a staunch ideological ally of the former president who rose to fame due to his memoir “Hillbilly Elegy.” But he was also not a big name in politics until he began to emerge as a top contender to join Trump on the ballot.

David Spada, a conservative Republican, said he was surprised by Trump’s pick and thought he would have picked a more moderate Republican such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

“He probably should have picked someone more towards the middle, rather than more towards the right, which I think might hurt him,” Spada said. “But again, you never know what Trump’s gonna do. He just does what he wants.”

Illinois voter David Spada speaks to ABC News about the 2024 election as the Democratic National Convention unfolds in Chicago.

ABC News

A recent ABC News poll found Walz was getting a more positive public reception than his Republican counterpart in the initial rollout of their candidacies.

Thirty-nine percent of Americans surveyed had a favorable impression of Walz as a person, while 30% viewed him unfavorably. Vance, meanwhile, was viewed unfavorably by 42% of respondents compared to 32% who viewed him favorably. Though a sizable portion of respondents said they had no opinion of either candidate (31% in Walz’s case and 26% in Vance’s case).

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, potential vice presidential candidates are beginning to emerge as key figures in the political landscape. Two names that have been circulating in discussions among Illinois voters are Tim Walz and JD Vance. Both individuals bring unique backgrounds and perspectives to the table, sparking conversations about their potential roles in shaping the future of American politics.

Tim Walz, the current governor of Minnesota, has garnered attention for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. His handling of the crisis has been praised by many, with his emphasis on science-based decision-making and clear communication resonating with voters. Walz’s background as a former high school teacher and National Guard member also adds to his appeal, as it showcases his commitment to public service and community engagement.

On the other hand, JD Vance, a venture capitalist and author of the bestselling memoir “Hillbilly Elegy,” has been making waves in conservative circles. Vance’s focus on issues such as economic opportunity, family values, and cultural preservation has struck a chord with many voters who feel left behind by the current political establishment. His outsider status and willingness to challenge conventional wisdom have made him a compelling figure for those looking for a fresh perspective in Washington.

In Illinois, voters have varying opinions on these two potential vice presidential candidates. Some see Tim Walz as a steady and experienced leader who can bring stability and competence to the White House. They appreciate his pragmatic approach to governance and his ability to work across party lines to get things done. Others view JD Vance as a disruptor who can shake up the status quo and bring new ideas to the table. They admire his willingness to speak his mind and challenge entrenched interests in Washington.

Ultimately, the choice between Tim Walz and JD Vance will come down to what qualities voters prioritize in a vice presidential candidate. Do they value experience and proven leadership, or do they prefer someone who can offer a fresh perspective and a willingness to challenge the establishment? As the 2024 election draws closer, Illinois voters will have the opportunity to weigh in on these questions and shape the future of American politics.