Initiation of Talks Between US and Iraq with Potential for Complete Withdrawal of American Troops

Initiation of Talks Between US and Iraq with Potential for Complete Withdrawal of American Troops

Title: The Initiation of Talks Between US and Iraq: Potential for Complete Withdrawal of American Troops


In a significant development, the United States and Iraq have recently begun talks regarding the potential complete withdrawal of American troops from Iraqi soil. This move marks a crucial turning point in the long-standing military presence of the US in Iraq, which has lasted for nearly two decades. This article aims to provide an overview of the initiation of these talks, the factors influencing them, and the potential implications of a complete withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.


The US military intervention in Iraq began in 2003, following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime. Initially, the objective was to eliminate weapons of mass destruction that were believed to be present, but the mission soon evolved into a broader effort to stabilize Iraq and promote democracy. Over the years, the US has gradually reduced its troop levels in Iraq, but a significant presence has remained to support Iraqi security forces and combat extremist groups such as ISIS.

Initiation of Talks:

The talks between the US and Iraq regarding a potential complete withdrawal of American troops gained momentum after a series of strategic dialogues held between the two countries. These dialogues aimed to redefine the bilateral relationship and assess the future role of US forces in Iraq. The Iraqi government has been increasingly vocal about its desire for a full withdrawal, citing improved security conditions and the need to assert national sovereignty.

Factors Influencing the Talks:

1. Improved Security: Iraq has made significant progress in recent years in combating extremist groups and restoring stability within its borders. The Iraqi security forces have demonstrated increased capabilities and effectiveness, leading to a decline in violence and terrorist activities. This improved security situation has bolstered Iraq’s confidence in its ability to maintain stability without relying heavily on foreign military assistance.

2. Changing Regional Dynamics: The evolving geopolitical landscape in the Middle East has also influenced the initiation of talks. The US has been recalibrating its regional priorities, focusing on countering emerging threats such as Iran’s influence and promoting stability in other conflict zones. This shift in focus has prompted a reassessment of the US military presence in Iraq.

3. Public Opinion: Both in the US and Iraq, there is growing public sentiment favoring the withdrawal of American troops. In Iraq, there have been widespread protests demanding an end to foreign military presence, while in the US, there is a desire to end what many perceive as an endless and costly war.

Implications of a Complete Withdrawal:

A complete withdrawal of American troops from Iraq would have several implications, both for Iraq and the wider region:

1. Iraqi Sovereignty: A complete withdrawal would signify Iraq’s ability to assert its sovereignty and take full responsibility for its security. This could enhance the legitimacy of the Iraqi government and strengthen its position in regional affairs.

2. Regional Power Dynamics: The absence of US troops in Iraq could potentially create a power vacuum, allowing other regional actors to exert influence. Neighboring countries such as Iran may seek to fill this void, potentially altering the balance of power in the region.

3. Security Challenges: The withdrawal of American troops could pose security challenges for Iraq, especially if extremist groups attempt to exploit any potential gaps in security arrangements. The Iraqi security forces would need to be prepared to address these challenges effectively.


The initiation of talks between the US and Iraq regarding the complete withdrawal of American troops marks a significant milestone in their bilateral relationship. While the talks are still ongoing, the potential for a complete withdrawal raises important questions about Iraq’s sovereignty, regional power dynamics, and security challenges. As negotiations progress, it is crucial for both parties to carefully consider the potential consequences and ensure a stable transition that safeguards the hard-won gains achieved over the years.