Inside the Colorado ‘mega den’ where hundreds of rattlesnakes reside

Inside the Colorado 'mega den' where hundreds of rattlesnakes reside

Colorado ‘mega den’ houses hundreds of rattlesnakes

A “mega den” on private land in northern Colorado is a haven for as many as 2,000 rattlesnakes. It’s on a hillside full of rock crevices where the snakes can keep warm and hide from predators.

July 19, 2024

Deep in the heart of Colorado lies a hidden secret that few are aware of – a massive underground den that is home to hundreds of rattlesnakes. Known as a “mega den,” this unique habitat is a fascinating and somewhat eerie place that provides a glimpse into the mysterious world of these venomous reptiles.

Located in a remote area of Colorado, the mega den is a network of interconnected tunnels and chambers that have been carved out over centuries by generations of rattlesnakes. The den provides a safe and secure environment for the snakes to hibernate during the winter months, as well as a place to mate and give birth in the spring and summer.

The den is typically only accessible to researchers and scientists who are studying the behavior and ecology of rattlesnakes. However, on occasion, guided tours are offered to the public, providing a rare opportunity for visitors to witness these fascinating creatures up close.

Inside the mega den, visitors are greeted by a cacophony of rattling sounds as the snakes warn them to keep their distance. The sight of hundreds of snakes coiled together in tight clusters is both mesmerizing and intimidating, as their diamond-shaped heads and flickering tongues give off an aura of danger.

Despite their fearsome reputation, rattlesnakes play a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling rodent populations and serving as prey for larger predators. They are also an important part of Native American culture, with many tribes viewing them as symbols of strength and protection.

While the mega den may seem like a nightmare to some, it is a vital sanctuary for these misunderstood creatures. By studying and understanding their behavior, researchers can help to protect rattlesnakes and ensure their survival for generations to come.

So next time you find yourself in Colorado, consider taking a tour of the mega den and gaining a newfound appreciation for these fascinating and often maligned creatures. Who knows, you may just come away with a newfound respect for the humble rattlesnake.