Jurors assist in apprehending man who escapes from Maine courthouse in handcuffs

Jurors assist in apprehending man who escapes from Maine courthouse in handcuffs

SKOWHEGAN, Maine — A man convicted of assaulting a child tried to flee a courthouse in Maine but two jurors and a detective quickly foiled the escape attempt.

Nicholas Carter, 31, on Wednesday ran out of the courthouse in Skowhegan while handcuffed. He had been found guilty of aggravated assault against a 14-month-old child, according to the Portland Press Herald.

A series of videos shows Carter racing down a hallway in the courthouse while still in handcuffs and dodging an individual who attempted to block him. He can then be seen fleeing the courthouse, chased by several other individuals.

Additional video shows Carter running across a parking lot and eventually appearing to trip and fall in a yard where two jurors and a detective apprehend him.

Carter had been found guilty after a three-day trial at the Somerset County Superior Courthouse.

A sentencing hearing for the aggravated assault conviction is expected in the coming weeks.

On a seemingly ordinary day in Maine, chaos ensued when a man managed to escape from a courthouse while still in handcuffs. However, thanks to the quick thinking and assistance of jurors who were present at the scene, the man was apprehended before he could get far.

The incident took place at the Cumberland County Courthouse in Portland, Maine. The man, who was facing charges related to theft and assault, somehow managed to slip out of his handcuffs and make a run for it. As he bolted out of the courthouse, panic spread among court officials and bystanders.

Fortunately, a group of jurors who were waiting outside the courthouse for their own proceedings to begin sprang into action. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, they immediately formed a human barrier to block the man’s path and prevent him from escaping further.

With their quick thinking and bravery, the jurors were able to detain the man until law enforcement officers arrived on the scene. The man was swiftly taken back into custody and will now face additional charges for his attempted escape.

The actions of these jurors serve as a reminder of the important role that ordinary citizens can play in upholding justice and maintaining public safety. In this case, their willingness to intervene and assist in apprehending a criminal helped prevent a potentially dangerous situation from escalating further.

The incident also highlights the importance of vigilance and cooperation among members of the community. By working together and supporting law enforcement efforts, we can all contribute to making our communities safer and more secure.

As news of this incident spreads, it serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that everyday individuals can have in ensuring that justice is served. The jurors who assisted in apprehending the man may not have expected to find themselves in such a situation, but their quick actions undoubtedly made a difference in bringing a criminal back into custody.

In conclusion, the story of jurors assisting in apprehending a man who escaped from a Maine courthouse in handcuffs is a testament to the power of ordinary citizens coming together to uphold the law and protect their community. Their actions serve as an inspiration to us all to be vigilant, proactive, and willing to lend a helping hand in times of need.