Kentucky Governor Issues Executive Order Prohibiting Use of ‘Conversion Therapy’

Kentucky Governor Issues Executive Order Prohibiting Use of 'Conversion Therapy'

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear banned the use of “conversion therapy” on minors in Kentucky on Wednesday, calling his executive order a necessary step to protect children from a widely discredited practice that tries to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling.

The governor took action using his executive powers after efforts to enact a law banning the practice repeatedly failed in the state’s Republican-dominated legislature. Beshear signed the executive order during a statehouse ceremony attended by activists for LGBTQ+ rights.

“Let’s be clear: conversion therapy has no basis in medicine or science, and it has been shown to increase rates of suicide and depression,” Beshear said in a statement. “This is about doing what is right and protecting our children. Hate is not who we are as Kentuckians.”

The executive order signed by Beshear bans the practice and makes it illegal to use state or federal funds to provide the therapy on minors. It also gives the state’s board of licensure the authority to take action against anyone found to have practiced conversion therapy on minors and gives the board the authority to bring disciplinary action against anyone found in violation of the order.

Such therapy has been discredited and is opposed by, among others, the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association, citing research that shows it leads to increased risk of suicide and depression.

At least 23 states and the District of Columbia prohibit the use of conversion therapy with minors, Beshear’s office said.

Chris Hartman, executive director of the Fairness Campaign, praised Beshear for taking “bold and necessary action to protect Kentucky’s LGBTQ youth from the harmful practice of conversion therapy.”

“Today Gov. Beshear sends a crystal-clear message to all of Kentucky’s LGBTQ kids and their families – you are perfect as you are,” Hartman said.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear made headlines recently when he issued an executive order prohibiting the use of “conversion therapy” on minors in the state. This controversial practice, also known as “reparative therapy” or “ex-gay therapy,” aims to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through various psychological or religious interventions.

The governor’s executive order comes as a response to growing concerns about the harmful effects of conversion therapy on LGBTQ individuals, particularly young people. Research has shown that these practices can lead to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among those who undergo them. In addition, major medical and mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association, have condemned conversion therapy as ineffective and potentially harmful.

Governor Beshear’s executive order specifically prohibits licensed therapists and counselors from engaging in conversion therapy with minors under the age of 18. The order also requires state agencies to take steps to prevent the use of conversion therapy in any programs or services they provide.

Advocates for LGBTQ rights have praised the governor’s decision, citing it as a step towards protecting vulnerable youth from harmful and discriminatory practices. They hope that other states will follow Kentucky’s lead in banning conversion therapy and promoting acceptance and support for LGBTQ individuals.

However, not everyone is pleased with the executive order. Some conservative groups argue that it infringes on the rights of parents to seek out therapy for their children that aligns with their religious beliefs. They also claim that banning conversion therapy limits options for individuals who may want to explore changing their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Despite these criticisms, Governor Beshear remains steadfast in his commitment to protecting LGBTQ youth from the harms of conversion therapy. He believes that all individuals deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In conclusion, Governor Beshear’s executive order prohibiting the use of conversion therapy on minors in Kentucky is a significant step towards promoting the well-being and safety of LGBTQ youth in the state. By taking a stand against harmful and ineffective practices, the governor is sending a clear message that all individuals deserve to be accepted and supported for who they are.