Leonard Peltier denied parole for 1975 murders of 2 FBI agents while serving warrants

Leonard Peltier denied parole for 1975 murders of 2 FBI agents while serving warrants

Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier, who has spent most of his life in prison since his conviction in the 1975 killings of two FBI agents in South Dakota, has been denied parole.

The U.S. Parole Commission said in a statement Tuesday announcing the decision that he won’t be eligible for another parole hearing until June 2026.

His attorney, Kevin Sharp, a former federal judge, argued that Peltier was wrongly convicted and that the health of the 79-year-old was failing. Peltier’s attorney didn’t immediately return a phone message from The Associated Press seeking comment, but after the parole hearing in June at a high-security lockup in Florida that is part of the Federal Correctional Complex Coleman, Sharp said that he argued that the commission was obligated legally to “look forward,” focusing on issues such as whether he is likely to commit another crime if he is released.

The fight for Peltier’s freedom is embroiled in the Indigenous rights movements. Nearly half a century later, “Free Peltier” T-shirts and caps are sold online.

“The way they have treated Leonard is the way they have treated Indigenous people historically throughout this country,” said Nick Tilsen, president and CEO of the NDN Collective, an Indigenous-led advocacy group. “That is why Indigenous people and oppressed people everywhere see a little bit of ourselves in Leonard Peltier. Although today is a sad day, we are not going to stop fighting.”

The FBI and its current and former agents dispute the claims of innocence. The agency did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment about the decision.

But Mike Clark, president of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, which wrote a letter arguing that Peltier should remain incarcerated, described the decision as “great news.”

“That could have been any person that I’ve worked with for 23 years. That could be them out in that field,” Clark said. “They were down, they were wounded, they were helpless and he shot them point blank. It is a heinous crime.”

An enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa tribe, Peltier was active in the American Indian Movement, which began in the 1960s as a local organization in Minneapolis that grappled with issues of police brutality and discrimination against Native Americans. It quickly became a national force.

AIM grabbed headlines in 1973 when it took over the village of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge reservation, leading to a 71-day standoff with federal agents. Tensions between AIM and the government remained high for years.

On June 26, 1975, agents came to Pine Ridge to serve arrest warrants amid battles over Native treaty rights and self-determination.

After being injured in a shootout, agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams were shot in the head at close range, according to a letter from FBI Director Christopher Wray. Also killed in the shootout was AIM member Joseph Stuntz. The Justice Department concluded that a law enforcement sniper killed Stuntz.

Two other AIM members, Robert Robideau and Dino Butler, were acquitted of killing Coler and Williams.

After fleeing to Canada and being extradited to the United States, Peltier was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and sentenced in 1977 to life in prison, despite defense claims that evidence against him had been falsified.


This story has been corrected to show that Peltier’s parole hearing was in June, he wasn’t last denied parole in June.

Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who has been serving a life sentence for the 1975 murders of two FBI agents, has been denied parole once again. Peltier has been incarcerated for over four decades for the deaths of Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams during a shootout on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

The case of Leonard Peltier has been a controversial one, with many supporters arguing that he was unfairly convicted and that he is a political prisoner. Peltier himself has maintained his innocence, claiming that he was framed by the FBI and that he was acting in self-defense during the shootout.

Despite these claims, the Parole Commission has once again denied Peltier’s request for parole, citing the seriousness of the crimes he was convicted of and his lack of remorse for the killings. The decision has been met with disappointment by Peltier’s supporters, who have long campaigned for his release.

The case of Leonard Peltier has become a symbol of the injustices faced by Native Americans in the United States, as well as a rallying point for those who believe in his innocence. Peltier’s supporters argue that he was targeted by the FBI because of his activism on behalf of Native American rights and that he did not receive a fair trial.

Despite the denial of parole, Leonard Peltier’s case continues to attract attention and support from around the world. Many believe that he should be released from prison and that his conviction should be reexamined in light of new evidence and witness testimony.

As Leonard Peltier continues to serve his sentence, his case remains a reminder of the complex and often fraught relationship between Native Americans and the US government. Whether or not he will ever be granted parole remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: the case of Leonard Peltier will continue to be a source of controversy and debate for years to come.