Man charged with murder of 13-year-old Detroit girl, body still missing

Man charged with murder of 13-year-old Detroit girl, body still missing

DETROIT — A man already in jail on sexual assault charges was charged with murder Thursday in the disappearance of a 13-year-old Detroit girl who has been missing since leaving school in January.

The “overwhelming evidence” shows that Na’Ziyah Harris is dead, though her remains still have not been found, prosecutor Kym Worthy said.

Investigators believe Jarvis Butts, 41, killed the girl because she was pregnant with his child, Worthy said.

His “alleged actions were beyond predatory,” she said. “They were vulturous: He groomed and preyed upon Na’Ziyah with expertise.”

Butts was charged with murder and other crimes. He has been in jail since April, unable to post a $250,000 bond in a separate case. A message seeking comment from his lawyer was not immediately returned.

Police for months have been chasing tips about Na’Ziyah, even searching a Detroit river and suburban pond. Worthy said a piece of her clothing was found, indicating a possible struggle.

Na’Ziyah knew Butts because he had children with her aunt. Worthy said he began sending sexually explicit messages to the girl in 2022.

On Jan. 9, the day of her disappearance, Na’Ziyah used her tablet to tell Butts that she would meet him after school, Worthy said.

The prosecutor talked to reporters while standing in front of a selfie taken by a smiling Na’Ziyah at school that same day.

“That will always be haunting,” Worthy said. “Because it was taken just a short time before the evidence shows that she was never seen or heard from again. … Little did she know that she was really saying goodbye.”


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A man has been charged with the murder of a 13-year-old Detroit girl, whose body is still missing. The tragic case has shocked the community and raised questions about the safety of young girls in the area.

The suspect, whose name has not been released to the public, was arrested after police received a tip about his involvement in the disappearance of the young girl. The 13-year-old was last seen leaving her home to go to a friend’s house, but never arrived at her destination. Her family reported her missing, sparking a massive search effort by law enforcement and volunteers.

After days of searching, investigators were led to the suspect, who allegedly confessed to killing the girl. However, he has not disclosed the location of her body, leaving her family and authorities in a state of anguish and uncertainty.

The case has brought attention to the issue of violence against young girls and the need for increased protection measures in communities. Parents are reminded to be vigilant and aware of their children’s whereabouts at all times, especially in light of this tragic event.

The suspect is currently in custody awaiting trial for the murder charges. The community is urged to come forward with any information that may help locate the missing girl’s body and bring closure to her grieving family.

As the investigation continues, authorities are working tirelessly to bring justice for the 13-year-old victim and ensure that her killer is held accountable for his heinous actions. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of community involvement in keeping our neighborhoods safe and protecting our most vulnerable members.