Massachusetts Senate Passes Bill Restricting Use of Plastics, Including Bags and Straws

Massachusetts Senate Passes Bill Restricting Use of Plastics, Including Bags and Straws

BOSTON — The state Senate in Massachusetts has passed a wide-ranging bill curtailing the use of plastics, including barring the purchase of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies.

The bill, approved Thursday, also bans carry-out plastic bags at retailers statewide and require stores to charge 10 cents for recycled paper bags. It also requires straws and plasticware to be available only by request and creates a program to recycle large items like car seats. It now heads to the House.

The move comes as a growing number of states are address concerns about plastics that harm wildlife, pollute waterways and clog landfills. Each day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers and lakes, according to the U.N. Environment Programme. People are increasingly breathing, eating and drinking tiny plastic particles.

“This vital legislation is another step forward towards eradicating plastics, a top environmental offender, in our everyday life,” Sen. Michael Rodrigues, chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means.

Environmentalists welcomed the move, which would make Massachusetts the 13th state to pass a plastic bag ban and builds on local initiatives in Massachusetts. Communities representing 70% of the state’s population already have bans.

It also codified an executive order signed last year by Gov. Maura Healey, which she says made Massachusetts the first state to ban the purchase of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies.

“State leaders have chosen to take a big step toward reducing waste and protecting our neighbors and local wildlife from the dangers of excessive plastic usage,” Sierra Club Massachusetts State Political Director Jess Nahigian, said in a statement. “Plastics harm our ecosystems and communities. Cutting down on plastics is a necessary step toward achieving our state climate goals and creating a more sustainable home for future generations of Massachusetts residents.”

But the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, which promotes fiscal responsibility, said the ban is part of a larger trend by the Senate to limit choices for consumers.

The Massachusetts Senate recently passed a bill that aims to restrict the use of plastics in the state, including single-use plastic bags and straws. The bill, known as S.424, was approved by a vote of 36-4 and is now headed to the House for further consideration.

The legislation is part of a larger effort to reduce plastic pollution and protect the environment in Massachusetts. Single-use plastics, such as bags and straws, are a major contributor to pollution in oceans and waterways, where they can harm marine life and disrupt ecosystems.

Under the proposed bill, retailers would be prohibited from providing single-use plastic bags to customers at checkout. Instead, they would be required to offer reusable or compostable bags for purchase. The bill also includes a ban on plastic straws in restaurants unless requested by the customer.

Supporters of the bill argue that reducing plastic waste is essential for protecting the environment and public health. Plastic pollution has become a global crisis, with millions of tons of plastic entering the oceans each year. By limiting the use of single-use plastics, Massachusetts can help reduce its contribution to this problem and promote more sustainable practices.

Opponents of the bill have raised concerns about the potential impact on businesses and consumers. Some argue that banning plastic bags and straws could lead to higher costs for retailers and inconvenience for customers. However, supporters point to the success of similar measures in other states and countries, where reusable alternatives have become widely accepted.

If the bill is ultimately signed into law, Massachusetts would join a growing number of states and cities that have taken action to reduce plastic waste. California, Hawaii, and New York have already implemented bans on single-use plastic bags, while cities like Seattle and San Francisco have restricted the use of plastic straws.

Overall, the passage of this bill represents a significant step forward in the fight against plastic pollution in Massachusetts. By limiting the use of single-use plastics, the state can help protect its natural resources and promote a more sustainable future for generations to come.