New Hampshire Governor Assists in Rescuing Man Choking on Lobster Roll

New Hampshire Governor Assists in Rescuing Man Choking on Lobster Roll

HAMPTON BEACH, N.H. — New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu came to the aid of a contestant choking on a lobster roll at a seafood festival eating contest, using the Heimlich maneuver after the man signaled for help.

The contestant, Christian Moreno, recovered and resumed eating at the competition on stage Sunday.

Moreno was one of six participants at the Hampton Beach Seafood Festival contest. They had 10 minutes to eat as many lobster rolls as they could. The New England sandwich is traditionally stuffed with lobster, celery and mayonnaise and served on a hot dog-style bun.

“I’m shooting for at least 20,” Moreno, of Nashua, said in a video account before the contest started, saying he studied competitive eater Joey Chestnut of hot dog-contest eating fame.

Moreno was at the end of a long table, close to where Sununu was watching on the side of the stage after speaking to the crowd a bit earlier.

Standing, Moreno had downed about two lobster rolls when he started choking and tapped his chest, video showed. Sununu rushed out a short time later, put his arms around Moreno and started abdominal thrusts. He got in several before first responders took over, WMUR-TV reported.

Messages seeking comment Monday were sent to Sununu’s office and to Moreno.

“It was crazy because it wasn’t so much the jumping in and doing it — I mean, that was wild in itself — but there was so much commotion,” Sununu, a popular Republican governor who isn’t seeking reelection for fifth term, told the station.

Moreno, who didn’t have his glasses on, wasn’t aware it was the governor who had helped save him.

“My counter came up to me and, like, made a joke. And was like, ‘Oh, like, I bet nobody else can say that they’ve gotten the Heimlich from the governor before.’ And I looked at him, was just like, that was, that was the governor?” Moreno said.

Moreno recovered and went back to the contest. He didn’t win, but he did consume nine lobster rolls in all.

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu recently made headlines for his heroic actions in assisting in the rescue of a man who was choking on a lobster roll. The incident occurred at a local restaurant in Portsmouth, where Governor Sununu was dining with his family.

According to witnesses, the man began choking on a piece of lobster while eating his meal. As the situation quickly escalated, Governor Sununu sprang into action and performed the Heimlich maneuver on the man, dislodging the obstruction from his airway and saving his life.

In a statement following the incident, Governor Sununu downplayed his role in the rescue, stating that he was simply in the right place at the right time and did what anyone else would have done in that situation. However, his quick thinking and decisive actions undoubtedly played a crucial role in preventing a potentially tragic outcome.

The governor’s actions have been praised by members of the community and beyond, with many commending him for his bravery and willingness to help others in need. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared to respond to emergencies, no matter how unexpected they may be.

In addition to his role as governor, Chris Sununu is also a certified EMT and has previously worked as a ski patroller, demonstrating his commitment to public service and helping others in times of crisis. His actions in this situation further highlight his dedication to serving the people of New Hampshire and ensuring their safety and well-being.

Overall, the story of Governor Sununu’s heroic rescue serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of being prepared to respond to emergencies and the impact that quick thinking and decisive action can have in saving lives. It also highlights the selfless nature of public servants like Governor Sununu, who are willing to put themselves in harm’s way to help others in need.