New Technology Introduced by DHS to Aid Firefighters

New Technology Introduced by DHS to Aid Firefighters

A helmet-mounted indoor visualization and navigation device that allows first responders to see through dark smoke could soon be available to fire departments around the country, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

The Department’s Science and Technology Directorate is opening applications for fire departments around the country to apply for the technology developed by an Austin, Texas, startup Qwake Technologies. The technology was developed by Qwake along with the DHS through a 2020 contract to develop fire safety technology.

The device is called C-THRU, according to the Department.

PHOTO: An example of a thermal image from a C-THRU device.

An example of a thermal image from a C-THRU device.


“We know improved equipment and technology for first responders will help save lives and protect firefighters,” said Dr. Dimitri Kusnezov, DHS Under Secretary for Science and Technology. “Through collaborative partnerships with industry, S&T supports the development of devices like C-THRU that address challenges we know exist for first responders, and we’re leveraging emerging technology to meet their most urgent needs.”

There are 400 prototype devices available for fire departments to apply for.

The device is hands-free, light-weight and has a high-speed thermal camera, mounted to the device and similar to those firefighters currently use, which captures surroundings.

“Along with providing a clearer, real-time view of an environment, C-THRU also helps reorient firefighters with navigation for backtracking that provides turn-by-turn guidance,” according to a press release from the department.

“If a firefighter does become lost in a burning building, a mayday function can be activated, which alerts other C-THRU wearers in the area to find the distressed first responder. Similar to a smartphone, the system will continuously improve with over-the-air software updates.”

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently introduced a groundbreaking new technology aimed at aiding firefighters in their life-saving efforts. This innovative tool, known as the Firefighter Accountability and Proximity System (FAPS), is designed to enhance the safety and effectiveness of firefighters during emergency situations.

FAPS utilizes state-of-the-art sensors and tracking devices to monitor the location and vital signs of firefighters in real-time. This information is then transmitted to a centralized command center, allowing incident commanders to have a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground and make informed decisions accordingly.

One of the key features of FAPS is its ability to provide instant alerts in the event of a firefighter becoming incapacitated or trapped. This can be crucial in situations where firefighters are operating in hazardous environments or facing unexpected challenges. By quickly identifying and responding to these emergencies, FAPS can help prevent injuries and save lives.

In addition to its life-saving capabilities, FAPS also offers valuable data collection and analysis tools. By tracking the movements and activities of firefighters during operations, this technology can provide valuable insights into best practices, training needs, and potential areas for improvement. This data-driven approach can help fire departments optimize their resources and enhance overall performance.

Furthermore, FAPS is designed to be user-friendly and easy to integrate into existing firefighting protocols. The system can be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of different departments, ensuring a seamless transition and minimal disruption to daily operations.

Overall, the introduction of FAPS represents a significant advancement in the field of firefighting technology. By leveraging cutting-edge sensors and tracking capabilities, this system has the potential to revolutionize how firefighters operate in the field and ultimately improve outcomes for both responders and those they serve. As DHS continues to invest in innovation and research, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking technologies emerge to support our nation’s first responders.
