Nurses in Oregon Strike for Improved Staffing and Pay Demands

Nurses in Oregon Strike for Improved Staffing and Pay Demands

More than 3,000 nurses at six Oregon hospitals spent a second day on the picket lines Wednesday carrying signs that say, “Patients over profits” and “We’re out to ensure it’s safe in there,” as they continued to demand fair wages and better staffing levels.

Nurses are striking at six Providence medical facilities across the state — from St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland in the north down to the Medford Medical Center in the south.

Organizers say it’s the largest nurses strike in the state’s history, while Providence emphasized that no patient’s health is being put at risk, since it has hired contract workers to temporarily fill the void.

Scott Palmer, chief of staff with the Oregon Nurses Association, said nurses have been in negotiations since December but they “have not been able to get Providence to come to a fair contract.”

She said the focus of negotiations is on “recruitment and retention issues,” including wages, benefits and sufficient staffing standards.

Jennifer Gentry, chief nursing officer for Providence’s Central Division, said the organization contracted with a company to provide replacement workers to ensure patient care does not suffer. Gary Walker, a spokesperson for the company, said the strike has not affected their facilities. They treated about 800 people in their Emergency Departments on Tuesday and no elective surgeries have been postponed.

Palmer said the striking nurses want people to get the care they need, but they want the caregivers to be supported.

“It’s really important for people to know from the nurses and from the American Nurses Association that if you’re sick, don’t delay getting medical care,” Palmer told The Associated Press. “Patients should seek hospital care immediately if they need it. Obviously, our nurses would rather be the ones providing that care, but Providence forced our hands and instead we find ourselves out on the picket line advocating for those patients.”

Staffing and competitive wages are the focus of their demands, Palmer said. When staffing levels are low, nurses can’t take lunch, there are delays in answering patient calls, and it’s even difficult to find time to go to the bathroom, he said.

That constant stress is causing record levels of burnout among nurses, Palmer said.

“We know that nurses are choosing to leave the profession in droves and there’s a moral injury that nurses experience from being unable to provide the quality care that patients deserve, because at least in Oregon, the primary reason for that is unsafe staffing levels,” he said.

Providence nursing officer Gentry said Oregon has passed a “safe staffing” law and the company follows the law’s staffing mandates.

Palmer said the nurses want Providence to put those staffing levels in the contracts, but Gentry said they offered to put in the contract that they’ll follow the law, instead of including specific numbers in case the law changes.

The strike is scheduled to run through Thursday.


This story has been corrected to show Jennifer Gentry’s proper title. She is chief nursing officer for Providence’s Central Division.

Nurses in Oregon Strike for Improved Staffing and Pay Demands

Nurses in Oregon have taken a stand against their employers, demanding better staffing levels and higher pay. The strike, which began last week, has brought attention to the challenges faced by nurses in the state and the impact that understaffing can have on patient care.

One of the main issues driving the strike is the shortage of nurses in Oregon hospitals and healthcare facilities. According to the Oregon Nurses Association, many hospitals are operating with dangerously low staffing levels, leading to increased workloads and burnout among nurses. This not only puts nurses at risk of injury and exhaustion, but also jeopardizes the quality of care that patients receive.

In addition to staffing concerns, nurses are also advocating for better pay and benefits. Many nurses in Oregon are struggling to make ends meet on their current salaries, especially as the cost of living continues to rise. Nurses argue that they deserve fair compensation for the important work they do, and that higher pay would help attract and retain qualified nurses in the state.

The strike has garnered support from the community, with many people recognizing the vital role that nurses play in healthcare and expressing solidarity with their cause. Some patients have even joined the picket lines to show their support for the striking nurses.

Hospital administrators have responded to the strike by hiring temporary replacement nurses to fill in for those on strike. However, these replacement nurses may not have the same level of experience or familiarity with the hospital’s procedures, potentially putting patients at risk.

As negotiations between the nurses’ union and hospital management continue, it is clear that both sides will need to come to a compromise in order to reach a resolution. Nurses are committed to fighting for better working conditions and fair compensation, while hospitals must balance their budgets and ensure that patient care is not compromised.

Ultimately, the strike in Oregon serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by nurses across the country and the importance of supporting healthcare workers in their efforts to improve working conditions and provide quality care to patients. It is a call to action for hospitals and policymakers to prioritize the well-being of nurses and invest in the future of healthcare.
